Lunch with Lisa's Family

"The highest bid right now is from Pfizer. They've offered $390 million, but we believe that's not their final price. There's room for negotiation. Novartis, on the other hand, has promised $120 million in cash, but they're willing to make up the difference with some of their shares. Are you interested?" Fowler was well-informed about the negotiation and shared the figures one by one.

"No, I want cash only," Bruce stated firmly. What he needed right now was start-up capital. The shares of these pharmaceutical giants weren't in his plans. Besides, to these multinational pharma companies with market caps in the hundreds of billions, a few hundred million in shares was barely a blip, practically just for show.

"Understood. It's a wise choice, Bruce," Fowler said, apparently pleased with this decision, as it would mean more upfront cash.

"Don't rush. Take your time. The patent application is what's important. We must prioritize that," Bruce stated. He knew that these companies were currently just watching, waiting to see the large-scale clinical trial results. However, he was confident. Once preliminary results were out, he believed the price would only increase.

"Hey, Dad, what are you guys talking about? You both seem so happy," Lisa said, joining them after finishing her photo session with the dean.

"Of course, sweetheart. I'm congratulating Bruce and you on completing your studies. Both your mom and I are proud of you," Fowler said, hugging Lisa affectionately.

Bruce naturally pulled Lisa into a hug. She seemed a little shy but was happy seeing him get along so well with her typically serious father. She wondered how he managed to make such a good impression.

Fowler wasn't quite sure how he felt about Bruce either. On one hand, Bruce was his employer, and on the other, his beloved daughter's boyfriend. Yet, he couldn't quite place Bruce in either category. He always felt he had to be extra cautious around him, unconsciously respecting him. It was clear that Bruce had a natural aura of leadership.

Lisa's mother, Ursula Foggs Marcos, having wrapped up her conversation with friends, approached them. As a typical housewife, she didn't interfere much in Lisa's choice of boyfriends. Usually, Fowler was the one overseeing such matters.

"My dear, I'm so proud of you. And congratulations to you too, Bruce. Couldn't your parents make it for the graduation?" Ursula asked, giving her daughter a tender kiss on the forehead.

"Yes, it was too far for them, and there wasn't much need. Besides, I've been occupied with a lot recently," Bruce replied. He was considering the next venture, trying to bridge two different worlds, which was somewhat complex.

"Today is a special day. Mr. and Mrs. Marcos, I hope I can have the honor of inviting you to lunch."

Fowler, owing much to his prime investor, naturally accepted. Ursula was also curious about her daughter's new boyfriend.

Lunch was at Jeangees restaurant on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue, a renowned fashion landmark boasting top international brands and synonymous with luxury. The avenue was filled with boutique shops, upscale restaurants, traditional department stores, and cultural amenities. Jeangees, a Michelin three-star restaurant, was hailed as the best French restaurant in New York and was a prime venue to gauge one's status in the city. Regulars here were celebrities like Denzel Washington, Tom Cruise, and Nicole Kidman, as well as successful business people who knew how to enjoy the finer things in life.

"So, Bruce, do you plan to stay in New York? You know, many international students choose to return to their countries after graduation," Ursula said, dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

"Indeed, Mrs. Marcos. I believe staying here will benefit my career. So, I've chosen to stay," Bruce calmly replied, turning to look at Lisa sitting beside him. "Besides, there's something here I can't let go of, right?"

Knowing just when to be sweet, he earned an affectionate smile from Lisa, who, forgetting her parents were present, lovingly gave him a kiss.

"Uh, is the career you mentioned in the field of law?" Ursula asked with a hint of confusion.

"Oh, no, actually, I'm more inclined towards bioengineering." Bruce shook his head. He wasn't sure why the original owner of this body had chosen law, but clearly, bioengineering was more beneficial to him. If he could successfully combine bioengineering with demonic knowledge, then an even greater power would be within reach.

From the beginning, Bruce never believed he was the only outsider in this world. Marcus and Gus were clear examples. Not to mention the blond man at the party, who probably belonged to the same outsider faction. This implied that there might be more potential opponents lurking in some corners of this world, waiting for the right moment. The faster mover would always have the advantage.

"Wow, Bruce, I had no idea you were interested in bioengineering. Like, genetic and genomic research?" Lisa asked, her beautiful eyes blinking in curiosity.

"Actually, dear, Bruce has achieved some pretty impressive results. I think he's just been modest and that's why he hasn't told you," Fowler said cautiously, unsure if Bruce wanted to discuss this.

Ursula, having less restraint and already knowing some details from Fowler, blurted out, "Is it true, Bruce? I heard big companies are willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars for your patent."

"Darling, those are still unconfirmed matters," Fowler interjected, trying to prevent Ursula from discussing this.

"It's okay, Fowler. We're among friends here. It's fine to share with Lisa and the rest, just as long as it doesn't get out," Bruce replied with a slight smile, further endearing himself to them. "Indeed, there are interested companies, but both Dr. Bell and I believe the new drug might perform better than expected. We don't think it's the right time to sell. The outcome of large-scale clinical trials will be the deciding factor."

"It's astonishing. I never realized Bruce was not only deeply invested in law but also dabbled in biomedical science," Ursula commented, partly gossiping and partly amazed. The young man in front of her was a goldmine, soon to become a billionaire. And he was dating her daughter.

"I rely mostly on Dr. Bell's expertise and the collective intelligence of the entire lab. I merely provided some insights and the original formula," Bruce said humbly, placing his hand gently on a stunned Lisa's. "Please, don't treat me any differently. I value personal connections and emotions far more than material wealth. Just think of me as Lisa's boyfriend. Anything else would be uncomfortable."

Young, wealthy, talented, humble, and courteous – Ursula felt that her daughter had an excellent eye for people. Her opinion of Bruce skyrocketed. Fowler, on the other hand, was once again taken aback by Bruce. In such a short span, he had seamlessly integrated into their family.

His words held an undeniable sway over them, making the lunch atmosphere incredibly harmonious and lasting almost two hours.