Dominating the City

After repeated attempts and constant rejections, the representatives from major pharmaceutical companies finally gave up on their small schemes to win over Bruce. Their focus shifted entirely towards the negotiation team organized by Fowler. They didn't have much time. The three groups, comprising over five hundred people in clinical trials, after nearly two months of various tests, showed exceptionally good results. The efficacy of "Vilda" was astonishingly impressive.

Furthermore, with minimal adverse reactions, the success of this new drug was almost set in stone. The only question that remained was which company would secure its rights.

Amidst all the media frenzy, pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer couldn't hold back anymore. They pulled out all the stops to outbid their competitors, and the offers became increasingly generous, with prices skyrocketing daily.

It was a season of harvest.

Interestingly, amidst all this chaos, Bruce found himself enjoying some rare moments of peace. When not immersed in the Ochsner Laboratory exploring new ideas, he'd spend his days reading and basking in the sun.

During this period, Archibald made an appearance. After a thorough evaluation of the "Vilda" drug, he took the initiative to register a VIP account for Bruce at Citibank, also gifting him a black credit card named "Ultima." Archibald explained that only those possessing such a card could showcase their "prestigious status." This black card didn't accept applications; only the bank could extend an invitation.

Even American Express, the first to introduce a black credit card named "Centurion," collaborated with Citibank. Now, American Express had transferred its issuing rights to Citibank.

Soon after, Bruce's mobile phone rang. Upon answering, a sweet voice from the other end greeted him, "Good day, Mr. Lee. I am Astrid Posse, your dedicated personal banking secretary. This line serves you 24/7, and we are committed to fulfilling all your needs."

Lisa, the curious little miss, was right next to Bruce when Archibald delivered the black card. She stared at it with wonder for a long time, and then gleefully tugged at Bruce, urging him to go shopping. Bruce shook his head with a sigh, pondering human vanity. The act of segregating classes through such means seemed to be a never-ending fascination throughout human history.

However, Lord Mephisto was quite pleased! Endless desires are, after all, the essence of a fallen world.

After accompanying Lisa on a half-day shopping spree, poor Marcus and Gus, two powerful demons, were reduced to mere bag carriers, each hauling multiple shopping bags. At that moment, Bruce felt a surge of enthusiasm. He realized living in a hotel wasn't very convenient. He took out his phone and called his banking secretary, "Astrid, I want the best mansion in New York. Can you help me with that? Thank you."

Half an hour later, the group arrived in Midtown Manhattan and entered a gleaming skyscraper. A luxurious elevator took them straight to the 86th floor. Once inside the apartment, Lisa excitedly walked to the massive floor-to-ceiling windows. She stretched out her arms, embracing the panoramic view of Central Park below. "Oh my god, this place is absolutely stunning!"

Archibald, who had hurried to accompany them, was equally taken aback. Such a mansion wouldn't come cheap! He had already notified the private banking department that any of Bruce's requests must be immediately reported to him. Hence, he arrived almost simultaneously with Bruce's group.

Elizabeth Sampel, the Senior Property Consultant and Broker from Sotheby's International Realty, noted Archibald and Lisa's reactions without surprise. Every visitor to this apartment exhibited a similar "wow!" expression. She smiled and welcomed them, "Welcome to the One57 top-tier apartment suite. This full-floor apartment spans an area of 6,250 square feet (approximately 580 square meters)."

"This place is amazing, but it must be incredibly expensive," Lisa said, her excitement tempered by the thought of the astronomical price tag.

"This suite is priced around 68 million dollars, Miss Marcos," Elizabeth replied.

"In other words, nearly $1,100 per square foot," Lisa quickly calculated in her mind, her eyes widening in amazement.

The original inhabitant of Bruce's body had always lamented high US property prices, hefty annual maintenance fees, and property taxes. Regardless of the location, the top-tier of the property pyramid is always narrower. Luxury mansions are always in scarce supply, especially in big cities like New York. This very apartment they stood in had an average price exceeding $10,000 per square meter.

"This is a premium luxury residence tailored for top-tier magnates like Mr. Lee," Elizabeth continued. "Below the apartments is the five-star Park Hyatt Hotel. Residents can fully enjoy the upscale amenities and hotel services offered by Park Hyatt. Other amenities include 24-hour concierge, screening and performance venues, parking spaces, an indoor pool with triple height, custom jacuzzi tubs, a library, yoga studio, spa area, kitchen, and a private fitness center, perfect for relaxation. We assure that all building residents will enjoy the unique five-star services provided by the Park Hyatt Hotel occupying the lower 30 floors."

Elizabeth expertly detailed the features of the apartment, all while scrutinizing Bruce's expression. She wondered who this young man could be. After all, he was directly referred by Citibank's VIP department.

"Facing the street is the Carnegie Hall, and just a few blocks away from Central Park. The building was designed by the renowned French architect, Christian De Portzamparc. And if you look over here, you have an unhindered view of Central Park, downtown New York, and the Hudson River. One57 stands tall with 90 floors and has 92 apartments for sale. As of now, approximately 90% have been sold…"

"Are you sure this is the best you have?" Bruce interrupted the voluptuous and attractive broker without any sign of enthusiasm. "Why haven't we been shown the top floor?"

"I apologize..." Elizabeth, typically a smooth talker, was caught off guard and momentarily speechless. Good heavens! He's not satisfied with such luxury?

Collecting herself, she hesitated, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Lee. The penthouse of One57 has already been sold. We've had other inquiries, but the owner isn't considering selling."

Lisa felt a bit dizzy. Just what kind of luxury residence was Bruce looking for? She had only heard rumors of the opulence of One57, and now, standing amidst it, Bruce was still not satisfied.

"I thought you could do better, Mr. Evelyn," Bruce said expressionlessly, turning to Archibald. Although he didn't expect Citibank to fulfill all his requirements based on his current assets, he clearly wasn't content with what was being offered.

Breaking out in a sweat, Archibald pulled Elizabeth aside for a whispered conversation. After several dozen phone calls, he finally approached Bruce, "I deeply apologize for the oversight. Mr. Lee, the penthouse of One57 was bought by the Prime Minister of Qatar for a hundred million dollars. It would be difficult to convince him to sell. However, we have other options that might suit you better."

Bruce nodded, signaling him to continue.

"According to Elizabeth, there might be a suitable choice at 432 Park Avenue. Their top duplex apartment is currently on the market. Named 'The Top of the Sun Shine,' this apartment spans over 14,500 square feet (about 1,350 square meters) and is located on the 97th and 98th floors. Would you be interested?" Archibald spoke quickly, trying to keep up his professionalism under Bruce's imposing presence.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," Bruce said, lightly patting Archibald on the shoulder.

The skyscraper Archibald spoke of, standing as New York's tallest and the highest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere, is nestled on Manhattan's Park Avenue, between 56th and 57th Streets. With a staggering height of almost 1,400 feet (around 426 meters), it towers over the entire Manhattan skyline, standing about 150 feet taller than the Empire State Building. Even without counting its pinnacle, this luxury tower still exceeds the newly constructed World Financial Center by 28 feet. From all five boroughs of New York City, one can spot 432 Park Avenue.

There's a popular joke about the building: given its tremendous height, even King Kong might think twice before attempting a climb.

From any angle, the towering 432 Park Avenue exudes a sense of majesty. Never has a residential building in New York captured attention quite like 432 Park Avenue.

Upon arriving at the penthouse named "The Top of the Sun Shine," another agent was already there waiting.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Lee and Miss Marcos. I'm Gallup Cook. I'll be serving you from now on." He was a slender, middle-aged Caucasian man with a gentle smile.

"Allow me to introduce 'The Top of the Sun Shine'—the gleaming gem atop 432 Park Avenue." He led Bruce on a tour of the apartment.

The loft, with over 2,500 square feet of space, accompanied by a rooftop garden, offers a panoramic view of the renowned Central Park, the Hudson and East Rivers, and extends as far as the cityscape of New York's five boroughs and the Atlantic coastline.

The residence features five master suites, six full bathrooms and three half bathrooms, a separate guest suite and staff accommodation, an entertainment room, a dining room that can accommodate 20 guests, a gallery, and a meeting room. More extravagantly, there are two swimming pools, one indoor and one outdoor.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop garden, one feels as if they have the entire city beneath their feet. Bruce immediately decided: this was the place! While it couldn't compare to Lord Mephisto's Castle of Destruction, the name "The Top of the Sun Shine" and the bird's eye view of the city made it perfect for him. "What's the price for this place?"

"The 'Top of the Sun Shine' is priced at $178 million, Mr. Lee. Estimated transaction fees and taxes are already included," Gallup Cook replied.

"There's a kind of unspoken harmony between this place and me. It seems it's destined to be mine," Bruce remarked with a satisfied smile.

Archibald was surprised by his quick decision. To her knowledge, Bruce's most valuable asset was an unsold patent for a new drug. Although Citibank highly valued this new drug, the patent hadn't been approved yet, meaning it wasn't liquid cash.

"Can you reserve 'The Top of the Sun Shine' for me?" Bruce inquired.

"Of course. You can sign a pre-purchase agreement, and once the funds are secured, we can proceed with the transaction," replied the agent, Gallup Cook, with a perfectly timed courteous smile. After all, someone considering such a luxury property is not someone he could afford to offend. He played his cards right.

"Mr. Evelyn, I hope you can ensure that the apartment isn't sold to anyone else. I believe I will handle the transaction procedures soon," Bruce said to Archibald, who immediately nodded in agreement. He was determined to keep Bruce's favor and would do everything possible to please him.

Bruce, along with a still somewhat incredulous Lisa, left 432 Park Avenue satisfied. The beautiful young lady was finding it hard to believe it was all real—ownership of a luxury apartment worth nearly $180 million was decided in such a brief conversation.