Chapter 67 68

Chapter 67: The Escape Attempt


A loud pop echoed through the air.

It was the sound of a champagne cork being rapidly ejected as the bottle was opened. However, the errant cork didn't fly far, thanks to a towel that had been cleverly placed over the bottle's mouth, which firmly caught it and brought it to a gentle stop.

With impeccable manners, the waiter pocketed the cork and draped the pristine white towel back over his arm. He then leaned slightly forward, pouring the top-tier Billecart-Salmon champagne into a tall glass, causing a thick froth to bubble up and release an enticing aroma. Its clear hue was truly appetizing.



"So, tell me, Bruce. How did you know this is my favorite restaurant?" Amanda Hearst sipped her champagne with grace and set down her glass, her hands crossed delicately at the top of her forearm. Her long golden hair draped to one side, revealing the soft curve of her cheek as she smiled at Bruce. "Oh, and how did you know all my favorite dishes?"

"Because my sincerity touched the heavens. I prayed deeply that the beautiful Amanda Hearst must enjoy a splendid and satisfying dinner, and then it all came to me in a dream. In China, this is called a dream revelation," Bruce replied, gently taking Lydia's hand and kissing the back of it, before adding with a theatrical air.

"I know, I know, just like Alice in Wonderland. So, Bruce, did you finally meet the fierce Queen of Hearts or the beautiful White Queen?" Lydia chimed in eagerly, then playfully challenged him. In the story of Alice in Wonderland, her sister the Queen of Hearts was the villain. A wrong answer could offend Amanda.

"Oh no. You can't do this, Lydia." Bruce made a fierce face, threatening the woman who dared to challenge him, then spread his hands and smiled at Amanda. "Alright, I admit, I bribed the chef here, and he told me everything."

This dinner with the Lydia sisters was her idea to foster a good relationship between Bruce and Amanda, and it played right into Bruce's hands.

They were currently at Bellagio Restaurant on Thirteenth Avenue. This Michelin three-star restaurant was always booked solid. If someone called to reserve a spot, the likely response would be—sorry sir, we need to book several months in advance.

It's no exaggeration, it's just that popular, partly due to strong recommendations from authoritative culinary magazines and a bit of herd mentality among humans.

Bruce managed to secure a reservation immediately through some clever maneuvers. The dinner was lavish, featuring dishes both Hearst ladies favored: beef stew with potatoes, mushroom soup, British mixed grill, and cod fillets, with Burrata cheese as the dessert.

Clearly, his efforts made Lydia proud and Amanda tentatively satisfied.

"What about you, Amanda? I heard from Lydia that you've returned to work at the group." Bruce wiped his mouth with a napkin, then asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, yes. It's the same magazine stuff you know, digging up scoops, so some people better not let me catch them," Amanda said. Since their major acquisition of several magazines in 2011, the Hearst International Group's magazine business had been leading its old rival Condé Nast and was second only to Time Inc. However, Amanda Hearst seemed reluctant to talk about this and instead teased Bruce with a hint of sarcasm.

This unexpectedly raised an eyebrow from Bruce, who watched her intently. Amanda Hearst, unfazed, calmly met his gaze.

"It seems tonight's dinner wasn't quite up to the mark?" Bruce turned to look at Lydia, who made an innocent face, appearing as if she was just there to watch the excitement. "I guess I need to toast to Amanda a couple more times."

Both women could indeed hold their liquor well; even after the meal, when they moved to Bruce's lavish residence at 432 Park Avenue and sampled various wines, they remained fairly sober.

"I told you, Bruce, Amanda isn't so easily won over," Lydia said, resting her head on Amanda's bare shoulder with a slightly tipsy and sweet smile.

Her legs were casually propped up on the large sofa, revealing neatly groomed toes and smooth, fair calves; she clearly felt very relaxed. Due to her longstanding self-discipline, Amanda was a bit more restrained, maintaining a proper posture, though she was also leaning back on the sofa by then.

"Really? Would this beautiful brooch perhaps change her mind a bit?" Bruce opened his palm to reveal a radiant, petal-shaped brooch under the light, shining brightly. However, Amanda Hearst did not look pleased; her beautiful eyes widened, and after blinking her long lashes, she lowered her head and exclaimed, "No! How did you take my brooch?"

Lydia suddenly sat up, noticing that the brooch Bruce held was indeed the one Amanda had been wearing on her dress

 all day. She had been wearing a deep green V-neck gown that perfectly complemented the golden Tiffany brooch, which was now mysteriously missing.

Bruce casually extended his hand, then watched as Amanda quickly snatched it back and reattached the brooch to her dress, winking and smiling wordlessly at them.

"That's incredible! How did you do that?" Lydia's beautiful eyes flickered incessantly.

"Humph! That's hardly gentlemanly," Amanda chided, though her gaze on Bruce betrayed her curiosity; she too wanted to know how the infuriating man managed to silently remove the brooch pinned to her chest without her noticing.

Did he touch her breast in the process? Her face inexplicably flushed.

"It's just a little trick to amuse you. If it upset you, that would really spoil the fun," Bruce laughed heartily, sitting up to take a large gulp of whiskey from his glass.

"Tell us how you did it. Then we won't be mad, right? Amanda."

Lydia was the most curious. She nudged Amanda beside her, clearly aiming to present a united front.

"I'll consider it," Amanda huffed.

Bruce swirled his whiskey in his glass, pondering under their expectant gazes. Suddenly, without any warning, he raised his right hand again, and a white cellphone appeared before them.

"Hey! What's going on...!"

Lydia looked down in surprise, only to realize that her own phone, which had been on the table, was now in his hands.

"It seems like we always have to watch out for this thief. Don't let him sell you out without you even knowing!"

Amanda snatched her phone back from his outstretched palm and placed it beside Lydia, her voice tinged with sarcasm. The fact that even the typically reserved Amanda was driven to make such a remark showed just how annoyed she really was.

But often, such moments are also when one loses their cool.

"Are you saying like this?"

Bruce looked at them with a puzzled expression, and, magically, another brooch appeared in his hand—it was Amanda's beloved accessory that she had just pinned back on!

"Hey! I completely missed it! Did you see how he did it, Amanda?"

Lydia was utterly baffled, wondering if it was because she was drunk that Bruce had managed to take the brooch again...

"Alright, alright. No more jokes. You two beautiful ladies aren't upset, are you?"

Bruce smiled as he handed the brooch back to a stunned Amanda, watching as she pinned it on again. He then extended his left hand forward, showing them its empty palm.

"Human behavior is quite predictable because our brains are slow and not good at multitasking. When I place my hand in front of you... and then draw your eyes to my palm, it naturally captures your attention. Meanwhile... you can't focus on anything else..."

As his left hand fully captured their attention, Bruce subtly reached out with his right hand and again unfastened Amanda's brooch. Since he deliberately slowed his movement, Lydia and Amanda turned their heads just in time to see his incredibly agile fingers completing the series of actions almost imperceptibly, and Amanda hardly felt the brooch being taken.


Lydia burst into laughter and clapped: "Looks like if you ever run out of things to do, you'd make a pretty good thief."

"This is my special trick, and I've taught it to you today. Perhaps I deserve a reward."

Although the principle was the same, a regular distraction wouldn't have been as effective, but Bruce's success depended on his superior reflexes, speed of movement, and precise muscle control, although he didn't bother to mention that. He raised his glass in a toast to them, and downed a big gulp of gin tonic, leaving both Hearst sisters blushing with alcohol.

"I'm going to the restroom, Lydia."

Amanda put down her glass and stood up, smoothing her skirt as a sign.

"Oh, right, there's a small issue with the restroom here. You should use the one inside; I'll take you there."

Bruce suddenly remembered something, getting up naturally and following behind her.

Amanda hesitated for a moment, but seeing Bruce's candid expression, she didn't say much.

"Just ahead, through this hallway, all the way down..."

Bruce followed about a step behind her, pointing the way very earnestly. As they turned a corner out of Lydia's sight, a sudden gleam flashed in his eyes.

Walking ahead of him, Amanda suddenly felt dizzy, her vision blurred, and her body weakened and fell backwards. Bruce stepped forward just in time to catch her soft body, feeling the warmth of her skin under his fingertips.

"Are you okay, Amanda?"

"It's nothing, probably just sat too long and drank a bit much. I know where it is now, you go back and keep Lydia company."

Amanda gently touched her forehead, her brows furrowing with a hint of pain. Fortunately, the uncomfortable feeling came and went quickly, and she soon regained her composure. However, she realized that her position with Bruce was a bit too intimate, so she stood up with forced calmness and pushed him away, continuing forward.

Bruce, standing behind, smiled subtly. Of course, all this was his doing. Humans are creatures of habit, and in just a few interactions, he had noticed that whenever Amanda Hearst felt uneasy, she would pinch the base of her fingers with her left hand, a small gesture to mask her emotions.

After their recent contact, Amanda had been making this gesture repeatedly, clearly indicating that the elfin beauty was far from as composed as she appeared.

Amanda Hearst stood at the vanity in the restroom for a long time, her mind filled with Bruce's enigmatic gaze that seemed to draw everything in, her body feeling weak as if experiencing an unprecedented sensation, almost succumbing to it.

This man was like a black hole, capable of engulfing everyone around him completely, and she didn't know why she felt such a strange notion, but she sensed fear and resolved to keep her distance from Bruce.

"It's getting late, and I'm a bit tipsy. I should head back, Lydia."

The Amanda who reappeared before them had regained her composure, though her eyes still unconsciously avoided Bruce, something he of course did not miss.

Under the watchful eyes of the two Hearsts, he nodded nonchalantly: "I'll have my driver take you home."


Chapter 68: "Chance Encounter"

For the first time in her life, Amanda Hearst realized that some people were not so easily shaken off.

Especially unexpected was that merely five days after a dinner, in the Enlightenment sect's district on Third Avenue, she ran into Bruce again, quite by accident.

"Bruce? What are you doing here?"

Staring at the face that had frequently haunted her thoughts recently, Amanda Hearst exclaimed softly. However, she quickly noticed the surprised looks from those around her and forced herself to calm down and sit quietly.

"Amanda? What a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect you to be a follower of Enlightenment."

The joy on Bruce's face was unmistakably genuine as he warmly greeted Amanda.

The growth of the Enlightenment sect was astonishingly rapid. Daily, followers lined up outside, spilling onto the streets, eager to participate in the enlightenment ceremonies, drawing media attention and sparking discussions about their profound and mysterious theories. To accommodate the growing number of followers, the sect had gradually established three districts within New York City.

In fact, money, resources, or venues were not issues. If needed, Bruce could dramatically expand to more than ten districts a day, potentially dominating the entire U.S. in half a year. However, the most crucial limiting factor was the shortage of clerics capable of conducting the enlightenment ceremonies.

Only those with the strength of a mid-tier demon could directly manipulate human brains, guiding them to achieve soul resonance. Some with duller minds required even stronger guidance to feel the effects. This was why Bruce had initially conducted the ceremonies himself.

Now, however, that was no longer necessary.

Clerics were indispensable for opening up the situation.

The miraculous nature of the Enlightenment ceremonies was why the sect was so phenomenally popular. Not only could they relieve fatigue and release stress, but repeated guidance also noticeably improved sensory perception and concentration.

This magical effect, hard to explain in words but undeniably real, made those who tried it once unable to resist coming back. Moreover, Enlightenment only charged based on operational costs, without any real restrictions, creating an overwhelmingly harmonious atmosphere. This made followers almost compete to prostrate themselves before the clerics, offering their utmost respect.

This was not an exaggeration. Often, followers afflicted by ailments would do such things. Although not all could be cured, many found their pain alleviated and their spirits significantly lifted.

Therefore, when Bruce learned that Amanda Hearst was also a registered member of Enlightenment, he wasn't too surprised. Of course, he wouldn't miss such an opportunity, especially since the heiress of the Hearst Corporation could be very valuable for his plans. He was determined to have her join his cause, regardless of her marital status.

"This enlightenment ceremony is quite magical. Did someone recommend it to you?"

Bruce asked with a gentle smile, initiating the conversation.

Amanda felt an unease in her heart but dodged the question, "Ah? Yes. By the way, where's Lydia? Isn't she with you?"

Bruce gave her a meaningful look, making Amanda somewhat uncomfortable, then pointed to the door, "Isn't she just arriving? It was actually Lydia who dragged me here, but I didn't expect to find myself in the same meditation room as you."

Of course, he lied. After finding out that Amanda was attending Enlightenment activities, he had easily manipulated circumstances to bring Lydia's attention to this increasingly popular sect and deliberately arranged for both of them to be with Amanda.

The two sisters would never suspect that their encounter was orchestrated, thinking it merely a chance meeting. Turning around, Amanda indeed saw Lydia approaching with a surprised look.

"Hey! Dear, you didn't tell me you were also participating in the sect's activities."

Lydia gave her sister a kiss on the cheek and then warmly took the seat Bruce had vacated for her, squeezing between Amanda and Bruce.

With Lydia as a buffer, Amanda seemed to relax a bit, and her expression became more natural.

"I've only tried it a couple of times recently, and it seems pretty effective. I'm considering recommending it to you guys."

Hearing this, Lydia looked around curiously, "This is my first time here. Is it really as good as you described?"

Amanda tilted her head thoughtfully before answering seriously, "It's a feeling that's hard to describe. You'll know once you try it—if you're successful, that is. Some people need several attempts to feel it. I can only say, it's a hundred times more magical than what others have told you."

"Wow, if it's really as you say, that's indeed incredible. But without experiencing it myself, I still have my reservations."

Bruce interrupted her, adopting a calm, observant demeanor. His expression and language showed no flaws, so the sisters couldn't associate him with any of this. Amanda countered without thinking:

"Like I said, some people with less 'talent' have a hard time succeeding in enlightenment. In that case, your reservations are justified."

Bruce raised an

 eyebrow, his look becoming more intrigued. Lydia quickly slapped him playfully, then affectionately pulled Amanda closer, "Dear, don't be upset. Bruce hasn't really been involved with Enlightenment. He was literally dragged here by me, so it's normal for him not to understand."

Then she turned her head, giving Bruce a knowing look, having sensed the odd tension between Bruce and Amanda. But she didn't think too much of it, simply assuming that both were strong-willed, which could naturally lead to some friction.

"Alright, beautiful ladies deserve the benefit of the doubt. If I successfully complete the enlightenment ceremony later, I'll apologize to both of you."

Bruce shrugged nonchalantly, continuing to play the role of a newcomer unaware of the Enlightenment sect's activities.

The cleric responsible for the enlightenment soon appeared—a woman with a delicate appearance, who introduced herself as Laurel. Her gaze at Bruce was no different from others; it swept over him quickly before she began the usual speech and encouragement, followed by the customary stress relief and enlightenment guidance.