the dungeons


"We'll have to wait and see then," Viktor responded.

 "Perhaps I'll have a chat with Aldric later on in the dungeons," I said to Viktor.


"And why is that?" He asked me.

" After saving his arm I need to set a few things straight with him and ensure boundaries are drawn," I replied making it seem like I was intending to punish Aldric. 

Viktor scoffed. "Do as you please." He said.p

Viktor and I continued to have breakfast. I was having porridge due to my swollen neck so I couldn't all the various options laid out on the table. Viktor didn't talk much to me and quickly finished eating. He then left saying he had a busy day ahead of him.

Watching him leave I tried to calm my racing heart. I had barely survived breakfast with Viktor. I thought he was going to punish me for what happened yesterday with Aldric but he seemed more concerned that I couldn't spend the night with Griffith. He didn't even ask me about my neck and how I was feeling.

There were two things I'd learned from my conversation with Viktor. The first thing I'd learned was that I was really f*cked. Viktor was watching me he was going to check whether I was sleeping with Kara's husbands or not. So it's either I slept with them or I was in for a world of trouble with Viktor. For now, I could use the excuse of my neck injury but in a few days when it healed what would I do?

I bit my lip as I thought about it. I had a few days to convince Kara's husbands I was on their side and come up with a plan with them or go along with Viktor's demands. The latter was definitely out of the question considering how it would end for me. I was Viktor's tool and if I didn't follow his plan he would get rid of me. I was in a difficult position.

But how would I convince them though? How could I get them to trust the person they detested so much?

The second thing I learned was Viktor very clearly looked down on Kara and didn't see her as much of a threat. He saw her as a tool for his plan and that was it. Kara willingly obeyed everything he told her to do after all. But this was a good thing because he wouldn't be too suspicious of my actions going forward. He thinks I wouldn't go against him nor that I was even smart enough to be capable of doing it.

For example, I had asked Viktor if I could see Aldric in the dungeons later. Viktor thought I was probably going to violate him or torture him some more but really I wanted to see if I could possibly sneak in some food and water to him. I was concerned since Aldric's punishment was no food and water for 3 days as well as a set of lashes. I was worried he would be suspicious if I visited him and would know ahead of time that I was going to visit him and not think I was doing things behind his back.

I went back to my room and 'to rest', really I was just darting back and forth thinking of what to do. My neck was still swollen but I could move around. 

If I wanted to convince them it would probably be best if I did it during their coup meetings. Leading up to the coup Kara's husbands would meet in secret to plan for it. They would meet late at night typically after Kara was done messing with them. They met in one of the underground rooms in the palace that were rarely used to avoid

They would discuss for a short time and then return to their quarters before someone noticed they were missing.

Well, they certainly wouldn't be meeting up in the next few days considering Aldric was injured and Isaac wasn't at the palace.

Speaking of Isaac I hadn't really thought about the fact that I had yet to meet him. I heard he's away inspecting his family's port trading business. Well, I guess it was now Viktor's company. 

He would return at the end of the week. I guess I would have to ask Lucy a little more to get a better insight into him and what he was like. To know his level of hatred of me.

When night came and finished having dinner. At this point, my blood was now a soup itself with how many soups I'd had. I asked for Lucy to stay and ordered her to bring me a covered bowl of soup, a bottle of water and a