How did he become like this?


I stared at the dinner plate in front of me as I sat in the seating area of my room and immediately felt like I was going to throw up. I told the servants who had brought it to me to just leave it by the table and that I would get around to eating it soon.


I didn't end up finishing lunch after what happened with the knight either. In fact, I almost threw up the little that I ate after the whole ordeal. 

When I returned to my room I took a bath to remove the blood that had splattered on me but no matter how much I scrubbed I still felt like it was on me. I spent the rest of the afternoon shaken. I just couldn't stop thinking about it. The image of the rogue knight dying in front of me.



 It had been just 2 weeks since I arrived in this world and so much had happened. Saying I was overwhelmed was an understatement.