A terrifying date

"Should we now tell Aldric the truth about me?" I asked Griffith after we'd read Duke Wharton's letter.

He then looked at me for a moment. "I know for a fact he is thrilled that you successfully convinced Duke Wharton to join us," he started. "I don't know what happened between you two whilst you were at the Avon estate maybe you've opened up to each other. But I imagine after everything that's happened in the port towns he will be exhausted." He went on. "We'll see what state he's in when he returns then decide what to do then." 

"Alright," I agreed. I remembered how irritated and angry Aldric seemed whenever he came back from from work. To think more he and Isaac were almost done now, all the ports had now been taken over everything completely controlled by Viktor. 

"Shall we start with our lesson for the night now?" he asked.