Horrific News



"Typically, they are appointed when the former high priest is retiring and they are in their thirties when they have been properly trained and are ready to take on the role."


"What about the exiled priest you mentioned from a century ago, Aran was made high priest when he was in his early 20s though," I pointed out to him.


"That…was an exception," He said, "Actually, he wasn't supposed to be the high priest."


"What?" I asked in surprise.


"He was a replacement for his older brother who was initially appointed the title. However, he became terminally ill and soon passed away. Aran who wasn't as strong as his brother but certainly had a good aptitude for magic was the strongest out of the other likely candidates and was made to take the position. He's one of the youngest high priests we've ever had."


"I see," I replied fascinated by this.