A change in demeanour


"That can't be it, what did you do to me? Why is my body so weak?" I asked him.


"I had to drug you to make sure you'd behave until we returned here," he admitted. "The effects will wear off soon enough."


That would explain that strange pungent smell I could smell from the back of my nose.


He put aside his document stood up from his seat and came toward me. I immediately tried to back away from him, fearing what he might do but failed to stand up. 

He lowered himself and picked me up from the floor. I fidgeted in his arms wanting him to put me down. "Let go of me!" I screamed at him.

 He winced in pain as my arm made contact with the injury on his chest.

"Calm down, I'm just putting you back on the bed," he said as he placed me back on it and put me in a seated position. 

I looked at him in confusion.