everything becomes clear

The priest sat down with everyone and continued to explain the situation as calmly as possible.

"After a few days, the first big change occurred. From the official report recorded about the incident kept at the holy temple, it is said that Aran was insistent he wasn't actually Aran. The temple servants thought he had lost his mind, however he said he was someone else. In other words, someone else took over your body Aran." the priest said to Viktor.

"Think about it, Viktor. Do you remember anything after you performed the ritual? Do you remember the life you lived afterward?" he asked him. "You were exiled and made to leave Akron, but you don't remember any of it, do you?"

Viktor looked at the priest for a moment before shaking his head in agreement that he didn't remember anything that happened after the ritual. "You didn't die. So what do you think happened to you?"