Filial Daughter

Commander Song was surprised to see Zayne holding a guy hostage. 

The secretary stayed behind, and surveyed the scene. One look is enough for him to know what happened here. 

Song Lu Fei probably set dogs on the children, given they are orphans, and were descendants of the hunters. These children went unclaimed, as such, they have no backers - even if he caused an accident, no one would come looking for him. 

If not for Claire and Zayne today, even if the children are dead, no one will probably know for a long time. 

" Uncle ! These ruffians are trying to kill me. " 

" Why are you holding him hostage ? " Song Chae Ron asked Zayne. There was only curiocity in his tone, no accusation or anger. 

Song Lu fei was so shocked, he became silent for a moment. 

Claire answered his question.