Making waves

" We will finalize the design like this. Now, I would like to discuss the rest of the building design with you. I heard the goal is to build this Villa with-in a day. Are you planning to move in today ? " he asked her. 

" Is it possible ? " Claire said jokingly. Bo answered seriously. 

" It actually is, but not for all floors. " he answered. 

" What ?!!! " Claire looked at him in shock, even commander Song turned to him in surprise. 

" It is like this. We have a ready made unit which has beds and bathrooms, as well as a ready made kitchen unit. This entire design is built with the idea add as you want, remove as you want. As long as your magic energy is sufficient, it is perfectly possible to build it up to a hundred floors in a day, " he answered. 

" Is it really possible ? If you know who I am, you know you have to answer carefully, child! " Commander Song asked, surprised at Bo's remarks.