Ch-2 Shin-Se-Gi

As the leader grappled with the dire situation at hand, his thoughts had been consumed by the expectation of a heroic rescue. He had banked on the belief that a valiant knight, with unwavering love for the heroine, would come charging in to save the day. In his vision, this hero would gallop in on a white horse, a glint of determination in his eyes, to rescue the damsel in distress.

But, to his shock and dismay, it wasn't a gallant hero who had arrived to break the sinister silence of the Death Palace. Instead, it was the crazed and relentless Shin-Se-Gi, a man known for his unrelenting brutality and fierce unpredictability. This revelation sent shivers down the leader's spine, and beads of sweat gathered on his forehead, not out of relief, but of sheer terror.

The leader's plan had hinged on a traditional narrative where good triumphed over evil, and the hero prevailed. However, the cruel twist of fate had disrupted that comfortable narrative, thrusting them into a far more perilous and uncertain reality. The clash between Shin-Se-Gi and their group was bound to be a chaotic and violent one, filled with consequences that were difficult to predict.

In the face of this harsh truth, the leader could only watch in disbelief and trepidation as the Death Palace, once a sanctuary of their own making, now stood on the precipice of chaos and upheaval, with the entrance of the dreaded figure who sought not to save, but to destroy.

Staring out of the window, the leader couldn't escape the grim reality that today might be their last. The walls of the Death Palace seemed to be closing in, and a sense of impending doom hung heavy in the air. He needed to calm himself and reassess his goals.

His vengeance wasn't solely directed at Gu Zhichuan; it also extended to the sinister figure of Shin-Se-Gi. The leader contemplated a plan: first, eliminate Gu Zhichuan with precision and care, and then meticulously craft a strategy to confront and vanquish Shin-Se-Gi. This crisis, however, presented an unforeseen opportunity to deal with a far greater adversary.

He realized that the very presence of Shin-Se-Gi implied that the woman held a significance greater than the hero of the kingdom. This revelation spurred him into action. He confided in his trusted underlings, urging them to maintain silence as he approached the woman then tied her eyes with a black cloth and with a firm grip on her hair, he raised her off the ground, and with a knife in hand, he pressed it against her delicate throat.

He led her to the top floor, where the reality of their dire situation became all too apparent. The Death Palace was utterly encircled, a sea of horses, dogs, and a variety of elaborately designed carts. They were trapped, their fate hanging by a thread as they braced for a dramatic and potentially catastrophic confrontation.

As he surveyed the massive group encircling the Death Palace, the leader could make out the figure leading this formidable assembly—it was the madman himself. He knew the gravity of the situation and decided to take a risky but potentially life-saving course of action.

With a trembling voice and a knife poised at the woman's throat, he addressed Shin-Se-Gi. He implored, "If you want this woman to survive, order all your men to leave this place, including your most trusted companion. Have them relinquish their weapons to ensure her safety."

But Shin-Se-Gi remained unmoved, his gaze locked on the woman he loved. The depth of his love for her was immeasurable, enough to possess her and even to kill for her. He witnessed the pain etched across her face, and her suffering tore at his heart. As the gang leader tightened his grip on her hair, Shin-Se-Gi's resolve weakened.

Unable to bear her agony any longer, he finally yielded to the leader's demand. With a silent, steely glare, he signaled his men to depart, and one by one, they reluctantly retreated from the scene. Even his most trusted attendant, who had insisted on staying with him, was compelled to bow his head and follow the others as they left the premises.

In the midst of this tense standoff, the fate of the woman hung in the balance, and a fragile peace had been temporarily brokered, leaving the Death Palace in an eerie silence, heavy with uncertainty.

The impasse between Shin-Se-Gi and the gang leader persisted, their eyes locked in a chilling stand-off. Shin-Se-Gi's unwavering gaze remained fixated on the woman he cherished, and his heart ached with concern for her well-being. In contrast, the gang leader seethed with growing frustration and resentment, his ego wounded by how he seemed to go unnoticed by the feared devil who was lost in his own thoughts.

As the minutes stretched on, the gang leader made a calculated move. He signaled to his underlings to open the door, creating a clear path for his entry into the aging building. Determination and a dangerous resolve emanated from him as he forcefully dragged the woman down to the ground floor and removed her blindfold as if moking her to see the person who came to save her was not her beloved but the last person she would be expecting to see. This hall, filled with a chilling assortment of weapons, was a stark reminder of the violence and danger that pervaded every corner of the Death Palace. The balance of power remained precariously unsteady, and the outcome of this perilous stand-off hung in the balance, shrouded in an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty. The stakes had never been higher, and the old, dilapidated building seemed to hold its breath as it bore witness to this gripping and dangerous confrontation.

As the door creaked open, Yan Zhen's eyes widened in disbelief. The man who had come to her rescue was none other than the very person she had harbored a deep-seated resentment for all her life. Her heart sank as she beheld the unexpected savior.

The man who had entered the scene stood tall, towering at about 6 feet 2 inches and with a robust frame of at least 90 kilograms. As none of them had seen the devil himself the Kidnappers were expecting that he would be a gallant and handsome villain , but the reality was a stark contrast. His appearance was rather ordinary, his face unremarkable in the eyes of society. He wasn't ugly, but he had an average countenance, the kind of face that might blend into a crowd, unnoticed.