Ch-4 "He was Lost"

Yan Zhen remained frozen, unable to make a move. The gang leader had already cruelly stabbed a knife into her back as he forcibly dragged her from the upper floor, leaving her immobilized and in excruciating pain. To further silence her, a cloth had been tightly secured over her mouth, rendering her voiceless. Her hands had been bound from the beginning, leaving her utterly defenseless.

Shin-Se-Gi, deeply engrossed in his own painful act, had not noticed her injury, nor had he realized the torment she was enduring. Since she had already resigned herself to the grim fate that awaited her, Yan Zhen had chosen to remain silent and motionless. However, the sight of Shin-Se-Gi stabbing himself in front of her shattered her resolve. She desperately longed to shout and struggle, to convey her plea to him, but she was bound and helpless, reduced to tears as she yearned for a way to prevent this tragic sacrifice.

Shin-Se-Gi's strength was fading rapidly, the self-inflicted wounds taking a heavy toll on his body. In his weakened state, he could do nothing but watch in anguish as the gang leader callously yanked Yan Zhen away from him. The words that followed cut deep, like a blade through his heart. The gang leader, with a malevolent glint in his eyes, taunted Shin-Se-Gi, "Did you really think I'd let her go?"

Yanking Yan Zhen further from Shin-Se-Gi's reach, the gang leader leveled chilling accusations at him. He accused Shin-Se-Gi of not only killing his brothers but also his own father, right in front of his eyes. The air grew thick with bitterness and revenge, and the gang leader was determined to make Shin-Se-Gi taste the torment he had himself endured.

With a nod to his underlings, the gang leader ordered them to hold Shin-Se-Gi firmly, their grip unwavering. Then, in a gesture dripping with cruelty, he began to tear away Yan Zhen's clothes, exposing her to the room's hostile atmosphere. The sense of dread and despair in the room grew more intense with each passing moment, and it seemed as if the very walls bore witness to the cruelty unfolding within their confines

Yan Zhen's gaze remained fixed on Shin-Se-Gi, a silent plea in her eyes as the gang leader callously tore away her inner garments. With a heartless gesture, the gang leader groped her breast and fondled them , a sadistic glint in his eyes. A roar of anguish escaped from Shin-Se-Gi's lips, a guttural cry that echoed the torment he felt seeing his beloved woman, whom he cherished above all else, being violated and harassed by these heartless individuals.

The gang leader, fueled by a sickening excitement, further stripped Yan Zhen of her dignity. He violently tore away her skirt, leaving her exposed and vulnerable, standing naked in front of every member present in the palace. With a menacing sneer, the gang leader taunted Shin-Se-Gi, "Look at what I'm doing to her now."

He proceeded to touch her inappropriately, every indecent action tearing at Shin-Se-Gi's sanity. Enraged and desperate, Shin-Se-Gi summoned all his remaining strength, pulling the men who held him along. But his attempts were in vain, as one of the gang members struck his left leg with brutal force, causing him to collapse. A second blow landed on his right leg, ensuring that he would never walk on them again. Shin-Se-Gi's legs throbbed with excruciating pain, and blood seeped from his wounds, but the anguish in his heart, witnessing the violation of his beloved, was a hundredfold more agonizing

The gang leader then grabbed her chin and licked her face in front of shin-Se -Gi and then his hand continued going down as he reached and then grabbed her breast as hard as he could and then he slowly put his mouth on her breast and then moved his hand down and then reached her private parts and then he slowly saw the enraged devil in front of him suddenly shouted and pleasing him to leave his woman alone it was a wonderful sight to behold he thought.

He couldn't help but observe that despite the harrowing circumstances, the woman's unwavering gaze remained firmly fixed on Shin-Se-Gi. She seemed to be conveying through her eyes that she was all right, and that there was hope even in the bleakest of moments. It was as though she were silently reassuring him.

 However, the sadistic gang leader was determined to shatter this connection. In a moment of cruel aggression, he raised his hand and delivered a harsh slap across her face. The force of the blow made her lose her balance, and she tumbled to the ground.

The gang leader's intention was clear – he wanted her to face him, to witness the cruelty he was about to unleash. Yet, despite the brutality of the situation, her eyes continued to search for Shin-Se-Gi, her savior and love. She couldn't divert her gaze from the man who, despite the torment he was enduring, was crying out and pleading for her safety.

As the gang leader loomed over her, his intentions became increasingly malevolent. He intended to assert his dominance and impose his will upon her, disregarding the agony of the man who watched in desperation. The room was filled with tension and fear, a battleground where love, cruelty, and the strength of the human spirit clashed in a fierce and harrowing struggle then the gang leader just directly inserted it into her which made her cry with grief and she wanted this pain to end quickly ,she didn't wanted this to happen ,all she wanted was a piece full life but now all she could do was to smile at him even though she was facing the most cruel possible treatment then she saw Shin-Se-Gi crawling on his feet to come near her then he was struck again on his back harder with a rod then she saw him crying as loud as he can ,he was helpless ,he was defeated, he was lost , he felt ashamed that he couldn't protect his only woman whom he loved , he placed her on top of his heart but these people are stamping on his heart ,cruelly, mercilessly , even a single shred of human feelings cannot be found within these men and for the first time in his life he wanted God to give him strength, save his woman and in exchange he was ready to go through hell and heaven just to make her leave from this place then he saw her go through the same pain again and again ,one after other ,different men ,humiliating her, shreding her dignity , giving her the most cruelest punishment a person could ever get