Chapter 44


I still couldn't believe Iris. The betrayal that her kind had done was too much for me to be able to trust her anymore. But Alice was right. Just like us that is made up of two kinds of wolves, the good and bad ones. Human is just like that.

There are bad and good humans.

And I did wish Iris was the latter. A good human among those who loved to stab others. Because she was our last resort to help us with this problem. The supplies were depleting and I needed to think quickly. So it was a nice thing to find out my mate had done her portion as a Luna. How proud am I of her?

"Do you still have some doubts about Iris?"

Alice was asking me while we were having breakfast the next day. She looked at me with those pretty gray eyes as if pleading for me to hand out my trust.

"I do. You know how bad my experience with her kind, right?"

She sighed and nodded reluctantly. A clear disappointment painted over her pretty face.