The Sound Of Sirens

"You really think you can take us on? How are you planning to do that? I know all of your weaknesses", Xander said. "We are magical beings and you are just a scrap of metal mixed with a crappy beast", Alice said. "Then take this", Cole said as the moon from behind some clouds shined on him and turned him into his werewolf self. "That's much better, now it's time", Cole said. "We may not have our wands but we can still wave you a defeat", Penny said. "I see you have been taking some bad comeback classes, THERE WORKING", Xander said as he charged at Penny and swung his leg out, ready to kick Penny in the face when she caught his kick and swung it back at him. "I know you guys way too well. I was related to one of you once", Penny said. "Still got the moves", Xander said as he got down on his knee's and kicked Penny in the legs. "And i still got the moves", Xander said. "Not for long", Penny said as she then circled around Xander, causing him to get dizzy quickly. "Don't forget, i can't take a hit", Penny said. "Funny you should say that", Xander said as he then got back up and his necklace started to glow. "What are you doing", Penny said. Xander's necklace then fired a massive red beam at Penny. Penny then seeing this, stuck out her hand as her own magic then countered the attack. "That's a cute beam, did your husband give it to you", Penny said. "Oh how i hate these magical inherits", Xander said. "Give it up Xander, your not gonna win so accept your fate", Penny said. "I didn't need to win, I just needed your LOVE", Xander said as he then raised his hand and a pink liquid began to come out of Penny. 

Meanwhile . . . 

Alice then launched a shockwave at Cole with all she could. Cole seeing this, then put up his werewolf claws and stopped the magic and fired it back at Alice. Alice then fell to the ground. "How though", Alice said. "Werewolf claws are magic proof, should have though of that", Cole said. "How nice", Alice said as she charged up a magic beam at Cole. Cole then ducked under and kicked Alice in the legs. Just then, he saw Penny's love get drained out of her. Xander had done what he needed to do now. He had won. "Penny", Cole said as he ran to Penny as his presents had helped her. "Fools, now we will drain more love from this world, starting with your friends", Xander said. "How could someone so hot be so...not", Penny said. "I'M RIGHT HERE", Cole said. "I am hot though and you will suffer because of it", Xander said as he tied Penny and Cole up with a rope. "Now i hope you like the sea because you will live there, just like those before you", Xander said as he tossed the two into the ocean. "Good work here sis", Xander said. "Right back at ya bro", Alice said as the two walked away.