Chapter 54

Hiro frowned. What was the girl trying to do? Didn't she see that he was right there? Just a few hours ago, in bed, he had seen Raiden's rock hard body, bulging muscles and chiseled abs. He lowered his face, a blush staining his cheeks when he recalled the way he had rubbed himself against those hard abs. To think Ruby wanted to feel up Raiden made him uncomfortable and quite angry. When did he start to feel this way?

He shifted closer to Raiden, as if to remind the girls of his presence but none of them even looked at him. It was then he realised that the girls attentions were focused solely on Raiden. It was like he didn't exist. They were purposefully ignoring him.

Then, to his surprise, Raiden gently pulled him to stand in front of him, drawing attention to his presence. He was quite short, his head stopping just under Raiden's chin which was adorable.