Chapter 67

Hiro was an innocent kind soul. He was also extremely gullible and liked to see the good in everyone. Treat him with kindness for just a second and he'll think you're the most amazing person in the world. He has always been like that. So trusting and easy to please. If it weren't for Sora who was always looking out for him, Hiro would have been taken advantage of many times. But Sora was always there, like a shield, making sure to protect his brother and retain his innocence.

For the time being, he'd have to step back but he'd surely think of something and put things in place as fast as he could. Even if they had to leave the country to get away from Raiden, he would find a way to do it.

"Fine." He finally said. "I'll try to get along with him but you better tell him not to provoke me in any way."

Elated, Hiro engulfed his big brother in a tight hug. "Oh thank you thank you thank you! You're the best!"