Chapter 105

Once Raiden dressed them both in comfortable clothes and dried their hair, he helped Hiro apply a soothing ointment to his slightly swollen pink hole. They got into bed and Raiden pulled Hiro close once more, his arm wrapped around Hiro's waist. Hiro rested his head on Raiden's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

Raiden still couldn't believe it. They were together. Him and Hiro. They were finally together and he didn't have to use any tricks or manipulation this time. Hiro chose to be with him on his own. He felt he was right to pluck Sora out of the picture. That guy was like a devil on Hiro’s shoulder, whispering all the wrong things to him since they were little. He thought Hiro was cold and mean until he realised Hiro wasn't doing things on his own. Sora was the one influencing him.