hand scars

*✿═══════════════✿* *hand scars* *Part :24* https://mihraskoduvally123.blogspot.com/2023/10/blog-post.html *✿═══════════════✿* https://instagram.com/she.is.dream.maker?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ== https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=o7hsgxz71i40&utm_content=8ex74zs It is at the door when you are waiting for it to come Tum... heard... Ika was there when the door opened. I quickly put the veil and went with Ikanta. It's past nine o'clock "Late, nineSir's assistant called him and said that he should arrive at midnight "Um... I'm coming from church, there's no car, and when I got the bus, it was late "Um... So we called auto and went to sir's office No luck sir Waited for sir there for some time Sir arrived at 10 o'clock As there were people who came before us, after they all met Sir, we also entered Sir's room. See us too sir "Hmm...sit down, I knew there was no problem between you twoI hope this will be fixed soon I laughed silently Here Said as if to Sir "Our nikah was performed two days ago by the Ustad, and now we are thinking that it is a gift from God. "Sir: Ok good, then you have to talk about the small problems yourself, except... "Umm, Inshallah "But if you leave quickly, don't be late at court Sir Bai said, called our auto again and went to the court Something is the caseI am not very interested in withdrawing because they have shown us many acts before and we can't forget anything. And I'm totally disturbed by Ikan's behavior. Anyway respect Ustad. That's one more test And if a situation arises, no one will intervene in this problem Then I will prove my innocence. Who is the mother, who is the sister, and why did Ikan's love, which was stopped once, start again? Allah noI will prove who is that worthless Ustad and what is Katiyamayi's role in this because this is my only problem in life. Then we can take her to the court even though I know she has a child, I will marry that girl who is holding my husband just to ruin my life, I don't even know her before to have a feud "Hey, it's pretty busy here, there's a lot of people "Um, not the court "Then, remember nothing of the old, now a new onethe life I don't know why I laughed when Allah Ika said that, because until now I had to see Ikan's face to get signed here and get a new disguise. Anyway, that mother's mon is not the mon of the acting leader who poisons the entire family and turns them into a song. "Um, Inshallah, I knew you when I got married and everything else was someone else. I don't remember him. If I had, I would never have remembered him for you.and would not have had to go to this court. I will go to any lengths for you because I can't forget you and I will do it no matter how hard it is "Um. And Ika didn't say anything, so the case was removed for the time being and we went to the hospital "Then, mother and sister will come from home. You walk. I'm hungry. I can eat anything "Um I walked up and I am in the upper room. I walked there. Something is wrong with this speech and expression of IkanI feel like acting He must have gone to call her by now Every now and then I used to see him making phone calls from a distance whenever he got a vacancy. The look on his face at that time was a must see... Hahaha... With a sigh I will cling again to the Creator and seek the Lord whenever I see it. *Allahu Wa Rasuluhu Ahlam* Let's see, whoever tries to cheat, Allah is great and will do whatever he wants *Pray to Allah* RumiMon saw me when he reached and jumped to me "Ha - Umm's mother cried, didn't Umm come quickly, Kunji mone ummante chakara mone manikya kalle ...chakara muthe... mom "Honey, what happened? "That's right mom "Where are you... He said, "I will come now. I am hungry. I will come eat something." "Hmm Poor man, this is the first time I have left him in such a long time. He cried a lot Someone knocks on the door "It's me, open up and see. "He said that he will come homeLet's see... Ha - when the door is opened, the mother-in-law of Villathia in our story is also there, and there is Oumman, a big mole with the same heart. In any case, let's take him and send him to the shop and buy him tea and let's not forget our duty as he is in the hospital. He will be looking for a burden for those who do wrong, and he will be waiting for me and them to have one Allah, Allah, the All-Powerful, Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I took everything. "We love you" Painted over the coreand speech After sitting for a while, Ikka came anyway. "Then, when you come to the dr, ask for the discharge. Is it not today or tomorrow? Is it 4-5 days? Now he has less. "Um, let the doctor come and ask here, uncle had also said. And so they went "Umm, what kind of acting is that umm, is it in vain that this mon, papa and others have not been able to catch the thief so far?" Allah this is a very birth It's a wonder that there are people who don't remember you so much in your picturesThis is life "Um, it doesn't matter, isn't Allah great, He sees everything, knows everything, and any secret is public with Him. There is definitely a night and a day that should not be broken. "Um, let me call here and see. He didn't leave when it got dark I have been calling and ringing for a long time and I have not picked up "It doesn't matter, I'll be busy, I'll call you later "Um There is no relief for the mind. At 10:30 in the night, I called several times and did not pick upIt's been so long since the dawn of time, but there hasn't even been a call back I don't even think that there will be anything necessary in the hospital. "Honey, the doctor told me about the discharge this evening and that he should see me after a week. "Ha, when did the doctor come? "It was when the mole went to the bathroom. It was gone suddenly. Anyway, take everything and be ready "I heard small talk. Umm, InshAllah, I'll call him and tell him to come. Take itI don't know if it's a play or not I took the phone and hit it a few times and it rings and does not pick up Needless to say, he will never be able to change without the poison in his stomach. Without avoiding me, the poison given by mother will not go away. Despite all this, Ummak Vashi, I am home, my house Let's pick up the phone...then I'll tell you the rest "Hello, "Ha, the doctor has given the discharge "Hey, I'll see. I'll come after Friday "HaAfter saying that, Ika cut off Will something come? "What did you say, dear? "I told you to come, um, let's see "Hmm Even after being discharged in the morning, I have to sit here until Friday afternoon. Patachon will know when to come after getting permission from mother You may think that Ikan's line has not been said before, why is he saying it now? It doesn't matter, we all understand and are there with us, whether it's court or prison What can you say about this love?Didn't they hear that as revenge, I never fell in love for haram like her, my husband made it halal for me by my Lord. I fell in love with him and he cheated on me just because of a hand poison Forgetting being an Ustad found happiness in Haram... And what do they have the right to blame these ordinary people Inside the Cayman Islands... Even knowing everything, I didn't think about that part because my anger was beyond what I could bearThis cheat shows But! Let's see if life goes well. If it's better now, I can live well. Otherwise, I will destroy all the lies of Umman and take that girl to court for stealing my husband and losing my father-in-law's father. She doesn't know everything, she has a child and a wife, and all that, what kind of misinformation is that girl? What can you say, this Umman's family has no deen, it is haram, halal, I don't know, Allah's salvation and punishment.Don't know I believe that there are few girls like this in the era of deen even on WhatsApp. May Allah protect us from Haram... Fill my heart with faith Amen Ya Rabbal Alameen... "Honey, "Ha "It's been a long time and if you don't call me, I will come and see if you are far away. "Um I called again and there was no answer Ya Allah gives Mahrib to us who got discharge in the morning Sister said to vacate the roomComing as Corey I called again and finally picked up "Hello, I can't come. Someone died near the dentist and was busy "Would you like to call and tell us, we have been here for nothing since morning He hung up the phone quickly Everything feels like a drama to me, I am ready to face it anyway, with the truth of Allah, if you have to pay the lie of Uman, I believe that is the best thing in my life. What will happen now?that Patachon knows... all the reasons. "Mole Uppa is coming, in any case wait for me and here Isha gave the bank "Um So at 8:15 pm Dad came. Seven thousand seven hundred and fifty rupees not even days after paying the bill... Ohh... So we went home. He was so tired that he spent about a week in the hospital I am also very tired, poor Milla is not eating... He does not know this I ate quickly because I was tiredfell asleep How fast the days go by The one week they said has passed and today it has been 12 days Still haven't got the house. Now if I call a few times every two or three days I will take another one to say that I can't find a house Ha - I also thought that we will wait for another week because the case, the court and the lawyer will be there. *to be continued* *✍🏻mihras koduvally* ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ *ISHQE-MADEENA* ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾