When you reincarnate 2

As expected I got reincarnated into another world and now 1 year has passed.

When I came to this world I didn't got my previous memories immediately but when I turned to 1year after my birthday happend I got my memories from my previous world.

After I got my memories back I realised something that this world I am living is a lot different from the previous world. This world is a Pokemon world.

After I got my memories I started exploring the world and got to know many things. As this world is not similar to world shown in pokemon but it is in medival era.

There are still kingdoms and empires rule this world. There are Royalties and nobels present in this world. But pokemons are still similar.

Even though it looks like humans rule this world it is not the story as pokemons rule this world. If we see geographically all the settlements where humans are living are close to the sea and also some safe distance away from it. It is like humans have found some safe place to live where very strong pokemons don't show up.

If we talk about the strength level of pokemons there are levels like

Baby: Small phase when a pokemon borns and it can last from few days to years depending on which pokemon it is.

Beginner : After baby phase all pokemons enter the begginer phase where they start learning the skills.

Intermediate: This is the phase where your pokemon has learned 3 or more intermedate skills.

Similar to above there are









Currently the kingdom I am living in is in the South part of this globe. This globe is majorly divided by sea into 5 parts currently I don't know much of them but what I know is that this is the South continent.

In the South contient the humanity is living in mostly North part which is close to sea and most of the part South from where humans live is still unknown to the humanity.

In this world pokemon lives in tribes. Most of them which lives close to the humans are not much hostile to humans and because of there presence there is peace in that area and those areas are very developed on the other hand the areas where such tribes doesn't exists there is still conflict on the borders with the wild pokemons.

The kingdom which I live in Pennisular is not the only kingdom on this continent as our kingdom is in the South of the contient it is on the border which shares most of part with wilderness.

On the North of kingdom lies the Empire and same as South on each sides of empire lies a kingdom. Even though Empire is most powerful in this continent Bindhirya they are not the rulers of this whole continent.

So to give an about the levels the currently royalty of the Pennosular contain at least 3 champion level pokemons how many champion levels are hidden is still unknown other kingdoms are similar and there royalty has from 2-5 officially announced champion level pokemon. In empire the Royalty has 1 official Guardian level pokemons which is enough to show there dominance. It doesn't matter how many champion levels you had Guardian level is many levels ahead of them and there is very slim chance to beat them with champion level pokemons.

Even though it is showing rarity there are many Guardian level pokemons present in the wild and because of this it is very hard for humanity to concur the wilderness.

As for legendary they are only known from historical storyies which are told from thousands of years and there is still no proof of any legendary pokemon present in this world.

And now if you have reached here I will tell you about me. So currently I am a son of a Duke of Pennisular. Currently the youngest son Or 10th son.

10th is very far away from getting the real benifits of inheriting the Duke but it doesn't matter to me as even though I am forced I still like to play as normal person as possible and fade away from others memories hiding my true abilities from everyone.