The Great Migration

I stood at the heart of Duke city. Lot of people were also standing outside all looking towards the southern skies above the wilderness. Many were very excited waiting for something and there wait was not long. Small dotes came into view in the skies which were approaching towards them.

In some time the dots became clear and a very big pokemon with blue color came into view. The pokemon was very high in the sky but still many could see the details on it due to it's very big size. 


A majestic pokemon and as it came near , other Wailords besides the big one became visible. They were very smaller than him but their size was also no joke.

As they entered in the skies of Kingdom's border. Wailord roared..

"W..A..I..L..O..R..D... !!!!!!!! "

A Noble Roar...

The declaration echoed throughout the Duke city as it entered the kingdom.

Rex stood there watching this massive pokemon roar still in shock. For him the blue colored pokemon was radiating a strong purple color so dense that he can't see other Wailords when using his own powers. With the Roar the fear he was feeling went away , it was a very strange feeling. Others who were still silent for lot of time hearing the roar started cheering as if it's a start of a festival.

Children and many adults were still amazed by the scene above still observing the pod of Wailords moving from Southern side to Northern side. As the pod directly came above them with strong winds , it also started blocking the Sun and shadows started appearing around the Duke city.

Many can also see much smaller dots floating besides the Wailords.

Wailmer !!

Such seen was very rare and and very few people get to experience it in their lifetime.

A Purple pokemon passing from above the kingdom !!! And not just any pokemon but a pokemon which is belived to be the largest pokemon to ever exist. That biggest Wailord most probably their leader just by it's sheer size it should be at least a champion or even a Guardian level pokemon !! Well I am not the right person here to judge such things , even in the whole Duke city only some people could and one of them is just standing besides me.

Rex turned his head and looked at the person who was standing beside him. He wanted to ask the question but Reiss his good brother helped him asking it.

"Father that's such a big Wailord !! , how powerful is that ?"

Duke on the other hand still observing the pod above answered seriosly

"I am also not sure. But it is the most powerful pokemon I have ever seen."

Reiss was shocked hearing this , he again started looking at the pod which was leaving the Duke city going in the North which was kingdoms center.

"These pokemons are not something humans would have chance to witness , unless it is Great Migration."

Duke who took last glance at the leaving pod left with the sentence towards the main palace.

"Mother where are these pokemons going ? "

Rex asked excitedly still looking at the pod which now looked like dot.

"They have traveled from the Southern Sea and their destination is Northern Sea to find their new habitat for the new cycle."

"Towards Northern Sea? , but isn't it very far from kingdom , I heard that we need to even pass the Empire"

"Yes it's very far from here. But in front of the distance they have covered from Southern Sea to here the distance remaining for them is nothing."

Mother said as she also started leaving for the main palace.

But others who were still excited started roaming around the city meeting with their friends and relatives, making their plans for this Migration.

Rex also went towards Lucas and Meson who were standing some distance away from him before.

"So this is start of the Migration? "

Rex asked

"Yes!! , with Wailords moving towards north, migration is officially started."

Meson replied excitedly.

"So what are your plans now?"

I asked Meson who who was still thinking , the Piplup on his shoulder still looking around , while Lucan who was also thinking about something answered.

"I will make a trip to some places to intercept the pokemon clans who are migrating , I have some plans on which pokemons I should capture but it's still not confirmed yet".

"Yes I will also be doing the same , I will first travel to east to early intercept the eastern pokemons , which will increase my chance of catching a better one."

Meson also added.

" How do you know which paths these pokemons will take to travel from east to west? "

I asked curiously knowing the answer while moving towards my place with these two friends. We walked side by side followed by Piplup who is now sitting on Munchlax shoulder.

"It is not unpredictable , we can always research on these pokemon habitats , such as which places on which they like to live , or where they lived their last cycle mostly those places will be their target destination. Also Migration Palace of the Main City keeps this information which is passed down from generation and they release Maps during every Migration festival to earn the money."

"So you have also bought the maps , can you please show it to me? "

Rex looked really excited as he also wanted the information. He could also get it from mother but checking different maps is always advantageous.

"Ok I will show you"

Until now the trio entered the Garden , It was a big grassy land with different flowers surrounding it. They just sat on the middle of the Garden with no chairs directly on the grass.

"Ha..... Grassy land is the best place to sit and relax in the evening"

Lucan said while relaxing , he also started taking out the map from his pocket and started unfolding it.

He started showing different places on the map while also showing the paths where he is planning to go.

"This is our Duke city , from the east is the Desert land or Dry land and to the west is Muddy land or wet land they call it now , as the next Cycle is approaching the weather of these two places will start changing. This Desert land will now became Muddy land and Muddy land will become Desert land"

Lucan expressed in great detail.

"But why these changes happen?"

Rex asked , he really didn't know the answer as in books it was not mentioned.

"That is currently not known, They say this is happening even before this kingdom existed."

Lucan said. Meson also added

"There is also a Myth that a legendary pokemon is behind this , but no one knows"

"Legendary !!!"

Hearing Rex the Piplup stopped jumping on the sleeping Muchlax's stomach, and both started staring at Rex. Rex on the other hand ignored this behavior , for the first time he heard mention of a Legendary pokemon in a conversation.

"Do they really exist ?"

Do they really exist ? I know they exist but a lot of people in this world don't believe in their existence. It is just a Myth for them with no historic records same as Mythological stories I had in my last life. The mention of such pokemons only exist in Ancient places where ancient people lived. Talking about legendary in this world is same as talking about real Magic in my last life.

"No one knows , only old people believe in such pokemons , but even if they exist nothing will change, for us even that Wailord can be considered a legendary pokemon"

Lucan said with a chuckle.

"That's true"

Meson and Rex agreed on that point.

Lucan continued with his explanation again focusing on the map.

"So this change will occur gradually for next four years , hence it's also called The Great Quad Migration , Quad representing the Four Years and Four Directions."

"Four Years ? , but I heard academy stays shut until the festival ends."

Rex asked shockingly while Meson and Lucan has same smile on their faces.

"Yes it will be closed for Four Years and will open again after that , I will be in Fifth grade by then and Meson will be Fourth. You will enter in your First grade when you are six with just one class lower than Reiss"

"Really? that will be really great , I can be with you two when I enter the academy."

"Yes that will be really great but you are really in tough spot"

Meson replied while holding the Piplup who was still using Munchlax stomach as trampoline.

"Now if you think Four Years no Academy then their will be Four batches of students entering , it means you will be entering in academy with eight year olds as six year old that will be really difficult"

"Defeating someone just one year older than you is difficult but two year older that's some rare sight which I have not witnessed until now"

Lucan added while rubbing Munchlax stomach which started hurting after Piplup's jumps.

"We got distracted again to the main topic , so according to the information I got lot of clans are going to move from east to west and also from west to east. Our Duke city is also one of the best places where a lot of pokemon clans stay while traveling but just staying in Duke city and waiting for pokemons to arrive is just a waste of time. So I have these places marked like this one"

Lucan showed one of the marks which was pointed at east of Duke city.

"This is one of the spots where lot of pokemon clans stay as it is entry point of the kingdom for them , it's one of the best places to catch the pokemons as getting an early chance than others will increase our chances of catching a good potential pokemon"

"Yes this is also starting point for me , I will be leaving next week to go there when are you going Lucan?"

"Yes I am also going next week , maybe we can go together"

"Yes that's good plan"

Then both of them looked at Rex as if they were waiting for his answer.

"You both go and enjoy , I will just wait in the Duke city for the pokemons to visit."

Both had awkward smile hearing this , they knew how unlucky Rex was , just missing this golden opportunity by few years.

"Yes even if you travel , it will really be difficult to catch those pokemons , even for us it will still be difficult , I really wanted this to arrive a bit late but it's still fine"

"I have even heard that those pokemons are really tricky , you can't challenge them by pokemons above their level or they will just not accept the challenge and even if you defeat them somehow they will still have choice to choose you or not"

"Well they have the bargaining power , we want them but they don't necessarily want us , I also heard once that these clans also have pokemon who fight for fun and when defeated never choose to become someones pokemon"

Hearing their talk Rex was silent thinking about something.

Unlucky huh.... well you can say that , getting chance to catch strong pokemons is really good opportunity. But for me currently it is out of my capacity. Turtwig is just a beginner level , even though for these last eight months he has trained a lot of attacks , they are not much stronger the bigger problem is the pokemons with good potential have very high growth rate which my Turtwig really doesn't have for some reason, so these pokemons are generally on advance level or above no chance , even for Lucan and Meson defeating them will be difficult. Also if you really find a blue one among them I willl really be surprised if their clan will let that pokemon leave. Pokemon clans also have to consider their own strength. They are not really giving out their members for free, it's just that they can't manage large population and resources are limited and by giving out their clan members these pokemons will have good resources plus the pokemon who will leave the clan doesn't forget it. If by any chance it's trainer dies or releases it free it can always come back to the clan.

Also currently I am not finding any powerful pokemon anyway so going everywhere searching for pokemons you want will be just waste of time , I will just wait here in the Duke city a lot of clans going to visit so I will just try bribing some pokemons if they really fell for it , really good . I am not short for resources so the more pokemons I can catch the better but I will try to catch the rare once or the once I can;t find near Duke city.

"Pipilup !!! "

Rex thoughts were interrupted by Piplup's scream as it started running from the Munchlax who was rolling towards it like a ball. It really looked like a rollout attack.

"Stop teasing the Muchlax Piplup."

"You also Munchlax , stop or you will crush that Piplup by your weight."

The Trio relaxed their while sharing each others plans until evening they returned to their own places.