Start of Entrance Exam

Another six months gone by and it was time for entrance exam. Rex with other children from Duke city traveled together and got into imperial academy.

The next day after their arrival , Theoretical exam which was first part of the entrance exam started.

Rex felt very uncomfortable, not because he is sitting with a group of children of his age in classroom giving an six year old level exam but because the questions asked on the exam were just too easy.

He has seen what children need to learn and even for that level it's still easy. It might be the case that Rex came from Duke family, and nobel learns harder topics than commoners. But still , they were straight forward answers if I got wrong in just one of them, people will call me fool.

He was feeling the pressure, he didn't want to get all right. It's not that others can't get all right, it's just that he was struggling with his last life habit of getting less marks than what he is capable of.

As he struggled between making fool of himself in front of others and wanting to get less marks than he is capable, he came across the last two question.

They were marked as opinion question, it just means they don't have any right answers and they are just there so that teachers can cut the marks of students when they don't like the answer, or they just don't like the student without giving any good justification.

Rex felt quite happy seeing them, these are two helping hands given by my strange luck, to pull me out of this situation. He thought.

As for the answers he didn't think about it that much, it was asking opinion on something. It's very easy to get less marks, just write some ridiculous thing.

Like if they are asking for how did humans made the pyramids we can easily answer with Aliens came and helped humans building them. The teacher will be furious reading it and will give less marks as student is not seriously answering the question.

To make him less furious to not make it backfire add some logical stuff like where did the humans of that era brought the stones to build the pyramid, how can they lift them to such a height it can't be real unless aliens help them.

With this idea Rex added some ridiculous answer, it was ridiculous but for Rex it was a real possibility.


In one of the room of imperial academy an old professor who looked too old to work was reading some things in a book when he heard knock on his door.

"Come in"

He said in his old but domineering voice. A man looking like a mid 40s entered the room with a machamp following with each hand of his holding heap of paper.

"Headmaster these are the exam papers which got completed today, can you please check your answers so that we can evaluate their total score"

The man requested and the old man agreed.


The man rather than leaving stood there as he got curious about something and asked quickly

"Headmaster, I was wondering why you give these two questions in the entrance exam, I have seen it almost every exam in different forms but they still ask the same thing. I know you give each answer full marks, isn't it like giving everyone free 6 marks"

"Good question.... "

Headmaster smiled as he complimented the man. The man also felt proud to get a compliment from him.

"It's been a decade since someone asked me this question"

He continued

"These two questions on why humans can catch pokemons, why humans are still alive in this world which is ruled by pokemons are one of the core concepts of human civilization's existence.

These questions are not actually for students but they are for me, by giving them these 6 marks I want to get what they think about this.

I have asked this question from the time I became professor here, each year I just study how the children answer this question , the answers tell me about the mindset they have towards this topic. I also study if these popular opinions in the students change as time goes by and try to find a reason for it.

This is one of my favorite way of spending my time. "

Headmaster said with an happy smile as he started reading the answers and giving them full marks.

The man got shocked hearing this, he thought these questions didn't matter much even when he gave his entrance exam but today he learned how much importance head master puts in these questions. As his curiosity was over he left the room with machamp.

The happy old man without any break started reading each one of them completing one heap after another.

He also has a book where he wrote different opinions of this year and multiple lines in front of each one representing one occurence each.

The opinions were very much like last year. Why can humans catch pokemons and control them it's just because humans are smarter than pokemons, humans have found a way to create pokeballs which captures them and help humans control it...

As for the other one on survivability it's humans have found a way to control pokemons which helps them fight back pokemons, humans are intelligent than pokemons , humans live in large groups like kingdoms which helps to intimidate stronger pokemons....

Some pretty exceptional answers he thought. Some of them were too exceptional as if they were wrote here to grab his attention. He was no fool, he knew some people like the teacher from before can spread this information. But he was not concerned, what he was interested in was the majority opinion.

As he completed two heaps and started the third one , he stopped at the fifth paper he got.

The happy smile now gone replaced with serious expression he put down his pen, holding the paper in two hands and started reading the answers again seriously.

"This..... "

He was still surprised reading it second time so he read it again..


Why can humans capture the pokemons and control them ?

Humans don't actually capture pokemons and control them. Pokemon themselves get captured by humans and get controlled by them.

It's same as a human working under another human. He follows the order of other it doesn't mean the other human is controlling him. It's just that he will get something by following the order hence he follows it , similarly pokemons also follow orders to get what they want. As human's mainly work for money or something else, pokemons also in need of strength but some can have different needs like food, safety etc.



Why humans can survive this World ruled by pokemons?

Humans can't survive this world, the only reason they are still alive is because pokemons let them live. The reason for this is they are bored fighting each other living such a boring life. They watch humans like a weak pokemon with small lifespan doing interesting things, somehow getting help from other pokemons to fight between each other. It's very entertaining if you think about it. And I don't think they want to destroy their only source of entertainment.


"Hahahaha..... "

The old man started laughing loudly. It was rare sight but no one was present to see it, other than some of his pokemons who were present in the room.

"How ridiculous...

This... This is the kind of answers for which I still keep on going without getting bored. "

He said excitedly to hiimself.

"First one is still fine , even I have thought about this answer before and kept in my mind but the second one is just ridiculous...

Even though it's ridiculous I can't just outright deny it's possibility and now that I think about it again, it has very high possibility of being right."

Headmaster still thinking

Even for me reading it for first time it felt ridiculous if others read it, it would look like a someone telling them the myths are real about legendary pokemons or God exist and it's a pokemon.

"This old mind of mine, how can you not think of this before a kid. "

He quickly closed the paper looking at the first page..

"6 year old huh... And the name.. Rex Decimus"

"Decimus? "

He thought about for some time.

"Could it be the grandson of that man, tch..tuch... Just what did that man who always ran from his family responsibility teach a kid to have such opinions at just six years of age"

Headmaster stopped critizing and picked another book. The book looked very old and well maintained.

He opened a fresh page on the book and started copying the two answers word by word..

"With this I have found my next answers which will keep me occupied for another decade"

He said as he returned the book to its place.

"Now how should I evaluate this"

He was not concerned at first but he can't just give same marks to others as this kid. He felt he need to give justice to these answers.

"Ha.. Even marks can't make much difference but I will think about it in future"

Thinking this he picked all the papers he checked before and started revaluting deducting one mark from each one making four out of six. Only giving the Rex's paper six out of six.

Giving the marks on the front page he tored the last lage of exam paper containing those two answers and kept it in his book.

"It will bring quite an attention, but I don't want others to pry around my opinions. "

He said and continued his work , checking the next heap of papers.