It was the second day of the academy. Today Rex was more excited than usual as he hurried to the class and sat on his favorite left corner back row seat. He prepared himself as if he was going to watch some movie.
"I am strongest in this batch !!!"
Leo declared while standing in front of the class before the first class started.
All looked surprised hearing this. It was just so absurd that someone just yells at everyone that he is strongest among them and not just anyone but a commoner.
It was like an insult to all.
"Strongest in what?"
"I am also strongest"
"Was there any competition I didn't know about? "
"Rankings are not out yet"
"Even if ranking is high doesn't mean he is strong"
Voices from the class started coming from every direction but they were suddenly dismissed by Leo's next words.
"If anyone thinks they are stronger than me , then they can challenge me, but I can't just take all the challenges.
So in each week I will take one challenge.
If you win, I will acknowledge you as the strongest or whoever you will say can be the strongest "
It was as if declaration of some unofficial competition where the winner can have strongest title and others also can't just deny it unless someone defeats him.
"Haha... It looks fun, I will challenge you for this week , I will crush you in front of everyone"
One of the Nobel who was sitting in the second row said. He was wearing red coloured clothes and also had same red coloured hair.
Rex looked at him and decided to call him red flag.
But Leo was not done yet. He said again
"You? Are you sure if you are capable of representing everyone. Just so you know if you loose for at least next week I will be the strongest in the batch and no one can deny it"
Hearing such response red flag got flustered, he was just looking to stand out but it got backfired as if he is nominating himself as next strongest.
Before he could speak another voice came from third row, he also looked nobel but with blue hair
"He is definitely not strongest even I can defeat him"
Followed by another one with green hair
"You should just shut up did you forget how I beat you last time"
Rex named them as blue and green flag respectively.
Classroom went silent, many started looking at each other not sure what to do. They were just lacking in confidence and didn't want to be dragged into some trouble just after starting the academy .
Then out of nowhere a boy sitting on second last row started challenging Leo, he was also nobel and had red eyes.
"This looks fun, how about I challenge you first, I know I am not the strongest here, but if anyone else wants to give it a try I am happy to back away"
Rex looked at the boy and he gave a smart answer and also not fearing getting into trouble.
Red eyes huh... Never heard there was such a family is it from some border or fallen family. Let's call him red eyes.
Rex same as last life really troubled to remember lot of names , so his habit of giving his own names never really left.
No one went against it and Leo gladly accepted the challenge.
"We can have battle whenever you are ready. I am always ready after classes gets over. "
"I am ready, we can have battle today"
With this conversation ended as the instructor entered the class while Leo went and sat down his seat next to Rex.
Did I cause a lot of trouble
Leo thought as he glanced at Rex who was paying his full attention to lecture.
Why did he ask me to do such a thing, I still can't figure out what he will get out of it, does he want to defeat me once everyone is defeated by me and get the strongest title , wait I am not even sure if I can defeat others.
Well whatever he said until I get defeated he will teach my pokemon whichever moves I want him to teach of course whichever includes the moves his pokemon can perform, it's good trade since Electro will learn teleport that will make him lot stronger. I just need to be careful and not to loose before he learns it.
Rex on the other hand was lot happy. He made this deal to distract others attention.
Now that Leo has declared himself strongest, others will feel uneasy the more stronger they are the more uneasy they feel, or should I say those who want to get validation from others that they are strongest will be uneasy.
Whatever the case may be the race to becoming strongest has started, those who remain undefeated will be strongest in most people's eyes. Those who won't participate will be ignored.
The more time passes the attention will grow more and more. But just to be safe I need to ensure Leo remains undefeated. If all attention is on him , it will become more easy to control others attention.
Now let's see how it goes.....
First lecture , second lecture ... One by one all lectures went by while the excitement in the students started increasing. Who doesn't want to see a pokemon battle. Even though in academy they will also have practical lectures but they will start in future and all who have experienced the adventure during great migration were now getting bored while attending lectures.
All were looking forward to the battle and they didn't have to wait for long as the last class was finished all started leaving the class quickly while gathering outside waiting for Leo to come out.
As Leo came out he didn't look bothered by others staring at him but he was really nervous from inside, it was his first time getting such attention. He directly entered the arena which was closer to their class with other classmates quickly taking good seats to watch the show.
This was second day but groups have started forming. Some were around the family background , regional groups, some were with groups formed during entrance exam , groups with different ages. Some were even alone like Rex who was sitting alone , Lena was also sitting alone. While another girl sitting close to her but didn't look they were sitting together.
Not just this class but other classes also started entering the arena when they heard this. No one wants to miss out a battle.
It's tendency of people to get attracted to fights even if it's fight between two ants.
"Buy the way my name is Jack and yours? "
As everyone gathered both Leo and Jack started their fight with their official pokemons.
"Go Electro !! "
"Go Wooper !! "
"Well well an Elekid, how unfortunate, I thought it will be a real challenge"
Jack started mocking but Leo wasn't distracted.
"Electro use thunder bolt"
A bolt of lighting generated from Elekid quickly hit the wooper before opponent could respond but the smiling wooper just stayed there as if nothing happened.
"Are you really a fool, don't you know electric type attacks don't work on wooper..."
Before overconfident Jack could finish his trash talk Leo again attacked
"Quick attack"
"Wooper dodge"
But it was too late , with great speed it hit the Wooper.
"Wooper mud shot!!"
"Electro cross chop!! "
Wooper after balancing itself started shooting mud balls but Elekid as if brute forcing through it started advancing and getting closer to Wooper while deflecting the mud shots by cross chop.
"Wooper don't let it get closer use water gun"
"Electro thunder bolt!! "
Elekid still quickly approaching the wooper with thunerbolt dispersing the water gun. It was a show of power. If water gun was really strong it wouldn't have dispersed this easily.
"No Wooper get away from there"
"Electroweb !! "
An electric web trapped the running wooper, even though it didn't do any damage trapping was the goal.
"Electro brick break!! "
Elekid started hitting the wooper with brick break.
"Wooper water gun push that elekid away"
Wooper still tied in the web attacked with water gun but it's direction got changed due to Elekid's brick break turning Wooper's head.
"Elekid stay close another brick break"
And before wooper could do another attack Elekid hit it with another brick break.
This time it directly fainted still tied in electric web.
Seeing it fainted Leo quickly instructed to make some distance to Elekid and take back it's web.
Wooper stayed fainted. There was no one to announce the result but everyone knew the result.
"That's my win"
Saything it Leo took back his Elekid.
"That's it, I am strongest here, I will be looking forward to next week"