Chapter 2... I'm not your hyung

I smelled burning clothes while I was doing the dishes later that night and I decided to check it out.

Running outside I saw Hanyeol throwing some clothes in the in the fire and they looked like the school uniform mom gave me. Wait! "What the heck are you doing?"

"You don't deserve to wear this...was doing you a favour"

"Hyung!" I snapped, tears rolling from my eyes"...why do you hate me so much? I get that you don't want a half brother but ruining my chance to be happy is purely a dumb move from you"

"I don't make dumb moves!" Hanyeol screamed before walking inside.

I told mom and uncle Daesik about it and they reprimanded Yeol and gave me his spares to use until I get a new one the next day. Yeol was mad at me but I felt too annoyed to care.


The next day at school something happened.

When I first got to school, I introduced myself to the class and everyone was cooing, saying I was cute. My gosh I blushed so much. Then I got to become friends with Hanyeol's friends because everyone knew we were brothers. Well, half brothers.

At first I met a really crazy k-pop fan, Jangmi. Then I met three other guys, woojin, Seungjun and Yeonwoo. They were all pretty cool. I got to enjoy the morning classes with them but Yeol was nowhere to be seen.

"Kim Seoyul! Come out here!" Hanyeol screamed scaring the whole class and causing them to be quiet.

To avoid getting more negative attention, I went to him. He pulled me to an abandoned classroom and asked me to give him the uniform.

Feeling scared, I did as I was told. "Please forgive me hyung"

"I'm not your hyung!!" He stormed out of the room.

I stayed there for about 10 minutes before I saw a hand that gave me a sportswear which I changed into. I didn't know who it was but I remembered the feeling of touching the hands.

At the end of the day Jangmi and the others decided to walk home with me because we were going the same way. The whole journey was interesting because Seungjun kept teasing Jangmi but I also got to find out a lot about Yeol.

Turns out he wasn't always like this but he changed since his mother died 2 years ago. I guess I understand him a little but I'm dog curious about what really happened since everyone didn't know a lot about it.

"Y'all are his friends...why ain't you going home together?" What? I was curious.

"He's avoiding us... plus I heard he was fighting some student from another school." Seungjun went on rolling his eyes.

Hanyeol might actually hate me because of our parents relationship.

I arrived home and decided to get my other stuff out of the room but when I got there he was there trying to clean up his injuries. Who can dress a back wound by himself? Yeol doing the impossible.

Wait! How did he get home before me?

"Let me help..." I walked up to him

"No I can do it myself. Don't need your help..."

" can try. I'm just here for my things" I decided to pretend to leave the room to see Hanyeol's reaction and it was so worth it.

"Hey! Seoyul! Yul ah!..." At first he was screaming my name and when there wasn't any response,he frowned and started mumbled "..All the talks about being a nice brother is a big fat lie. Hyung this Hyung that meh"

"Really? So now you need my help? If you say you don't, I'll really leave"

"Since you really want to help, go on" He gave me the first aid kit.

I started dressing the injuries and it strangely felt comfortable to stay with him. I guess I'm making progress with him. "Yeol... can I ask?"

"Yeol? I'm three months older dummy"

"Then who was the one that hated me for calling him hyung?"

"But you started calling me...ouch so this is how you take revenge on me" He said grabbing my hands and throwing me to the ground but he was careful that I didn't get hurt.

We stayed that way staring at each other in silence till I decided to break the silence"You were saying?"

"You already call me hyung, Why change it now?"

"Alright..get off me" I said pushing him off me.

I continued dressing his wounds in silence. No one was speaking but it felt comfortable. We were definitely better off close. "I'm sorry"

I'm sure I didn't hear right. "What?"

"I'm sorry" He mumbled even more quietly.

"Louder, I can't hear you" let's take a moment to tease him.

"I'm sorry for today! Take it or leave it" I plan to make him suffer because I can't seem easy.

It seems like I'm playing hard to get. Love it!

"Hanyeol, you can keep it to, I'm done with your wounds" I gave him the first aid kit and went ahead to get my stuff.

"W..what did you say?" He sprung up from his seat, surprised.

I took a deep breath before speaking. "...if your ears are not faulty, listen up,You can munch on your apologies cause I don't want it" why am I getting angry for real? This is supposed to be an act.

"But Yul... I said I'm sorry about today"

"Today? Does it cover up for how I felt? Does it make up for the tears? Or the questions I asked myself? Why does he hate me? Am I doing things wrong? Is it so bad to want a brother for myself"

"I don't hate you... it's just that..."

"You think my mom replaced your mom? Yeol, the world doesn't work that way. Your mom would always be your mom and mine would always be mine."

I guess I was actually angry at him but I didn't know. Weird.

"Seoyul, what's all this? Let's keep moms out of this"


"You wouldn't get it"

"If I wouldn't get it, then I wouldn't have asked"

"Alright...You know dad works in Japan and rarely visits home. Mom would always argue with him to spend more time with us but money seems important to him. As time goes mom developed depression and I don't think I have to say how she died" He was crying and smiling at the same time. "...if he'd spend time with family then it wouldn't have happened and here's the cherry on top, your new dad didn't attend mom's funeral. Lovely right"

What have I done?

"I'm sorry, Yeol...." I tried patting his back but he didn't stop.

"I miss my mom..why did she have to leave?" I didn't know what to do so I hugged him and let him cry in my arms.

Few minutes later, he stopped crying and dozed off while resting on my thighs. He's cute.

After a while, I decided to leave and go sleep in the sitting room.

"Yeol...get up. I need to sleep too" I whispered into his ears and he sat up looking at me "I said you can move in. The bed is big enough to fit us both"

"What if you change your mind and ha-

"I never hated you or your mom. It's just an immature thing to do. I'm sorry"

"Just go to sleep hyung..." I stood up to leave but he held me "..please..please..please"

"Alright... turn off the lights"