Search and Rescue, Part Six


Things had grown rather quiet since they'd arrived. 

The group was tense, making their way sluggishly through the narrow, winding cavern with only a single mana-flame torch as their source of illumination. Any more than that and Gareth believed they could be attacked. 

Along the way were stray bits of fallen gear or bloodstains, spots that told the tale of the explorers who'd come. 

Enverna stopped. 

A boy noticed. 

"Uh, are you alright?" He asked. 

"Yes, yes..." Enverna lied, feeling like her head was burning. "I'm..." 

Then, the world transformed right before her eyes. 

Suddenly, she wasn't seeing that concerned player anymore. She wasn't in that narrow, natural corridor. 

She was staring down the explorer they'd met. And, she was talking. 

But, her voice didn't sound like her own.