Star Players, Part Three


Once again, in Miss Taylor's Virtual Reality simulation center, Lianna and Enverna, joined by Mel and Zura this time, engaged in rigorous training against various Fiends.

The air crackled with spells and the clash of weapons as they honed their combat skills.

Lianna swiftly dispatched Fiends from afar, her arrows finding their marks with deadly accuracy.

Recently, her Archery skill had gone up, confirming one of her suspicions. 

At some point, she didn't know exactly when, her proximity buff with Enverna began to affect her potential. 

And, with the buff being as strong as it was, Lianna had been making incredible progress in that department. 

Archery: 25

Looking over at Enverna, Lianna saw that the same was true for her. 

Her Lance skill had shot through the roof. 

Lance: 39

Slowly, they were making it so that they weren't just strong, they were now becoming skilled.