Future plans (2)

"You want my granddaughter to be known as the king's mistress? That is what you want of Linda Henson? Have you lost your mind?" Grant asked, resisting the urge to hit Hans over the head with the glass in his hand. 

Hans put up his hands to show that he didn't mean any harm. "She'll be forgotten of being his mistress when we get her the seat of queen. At this point, having her be taken by his side will get her to sit on the throne. We'll get Hazel off the queen's seat and give it to your family."

"The town will forget about how Linda became queen when she blesses the kingdom with a prince and your family is at her side to help protect this kingdom. Your son will get a higher position in the palace alongside you. Your grandsons could control all of the army. You mustn't let this go to waste," Franklin said.

With Grant's family in the palace, Franklin could also grow higher.