Evil plans (1)

"What the hell happened?" Franklin yelled, angered by how the day was going. "We failed to show Grant what we could do and it won't be long before he backs out of our plans. How did the queen go from being in our plans to letting Hazel walk out?"

"How am I to know when I wasn't in the room?" Hans replied, disliking how Franklin was trying to turn this on him to save his ass. "I told you to go with the queen, but you insisted on staying behind to speak with the king only to be ignored."

"Shut it. When one of us fails, we all fail. We need something to get Grant back to trusting us. We cannot wait too long for the girl to become with child," said Franklin.

"I don't see why you are so worried when planning for the wedding has not started and it wouldn't be so hard for us to kill a young child. Is your desire to gain more power in the palace not high enough for you-"