Listening (3)

"I will tell the head maid to get Hazel's measurements done and for new dresses to be made. Until the new dresses are here, she will have to wear what was already prepared. Satisfied?" Tabitha asked. 

"No. I'm a little annoyed at how you can bend the rules, but choose not to. Do you hate Hazel or are you troubling her to get to me because I didn't want to be king?" Tobias asked as he could not understand her.

Tabitha turned back to the flowers. "I have no reason to hate Hazel. Don't paint me to be a monster out to get the girl. I like Hazel. I like that with her here now you won't try running away from what is your duty."

"I came to you to let it be known that becoming king isn't what I want and you either brush it to the side or scold me-"