Another woman (3)

"King Tobias, when will we hear good news from the queen?"

"Good news about what?" Tobias questioned, looking up from the papers the court had him reading. "What is it that concerns you about my wife now? A child?"

"Well yes," Kurt, a man of the court answered.

"Don't you think we will make an announcement when there is a child? We wouldn't keep it a secret. Once again, just wait. It is too soon to expect news," Tobias replied.


"We should do as the king says and wait," said Mark Wilkerson. He was new to this court and hearing the men speak of a child was starting to annoy him. 

Though Mark looked forward to the Castros line continuing he thought the couple should have a moment to themselves before a child came. He was hearing so much about a child that it was starting to feel like he was the one being asked to have one.