Loss (1)

"I left Hazel to rest so if you go in and she is asleep, try not to wake her. She's not properly dressed so I need to move fast to get her another. Please have the doctor come here sooner, Nathan. I don't want my daughter to be lying there for long without being looked at Excuse me because I need a moment alone," Renee excused herself.

Renee had held in her tears long enough to not break down in front of Hazel but now she needed a moment alone to do it in private before going back to Hazel. 

Helena bit her nails, a habit that she was forced out of long ago but it came back when she was extremely nervous

 Hearing what Hazel suffered greatly affected her and then there was her mother on the brink of tears. Why did this have to happen to Hazel of all people? What did Hazel do to deserve this? Why did something so horrible have to happen to anyone and how was Hazel to move on from this?