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Daisy feared how many more times the king would get thrown out of his bedroom if he didn't watch what he said. How could he be so careless to mention the queen's weight right now? Someone needed to find a book for things the king could not say to a pregnant woman.

"I'm sure the king meant well with his words," Daisy said, trying to help Tobias.

"I know he did but he says the wrong thing at the wrong time. It is hard to believe that he thinks his sister is the only one who talks too much. I do enjoy tossing him out of the room once in a while so I can have some peace to read. I do think they all talk too much," Hazel spoke softly so those passing by wouldn't hear what she thought of the other Castros.

Daisy smiled, looking down for a moment as she tried to hide it. She could never understand how the former queen didn't take a liking to Hazel when Hazel was so fun.