New Allies

Meanwhile, Wayne, accompanied by Marika and Aglais, ventured into the forest beyond Duén Canell. Marika, the more assertive of the two, wasted no time in leading them towards the locations and investigating the nature of the contracted beasts. Aglais, however, was quieter and more timid. She walked close to Wayne, her soft voice relaying information about the monsters while shyly avoiding his gaze.

Wayne listened attentively, simultaneously enjoying the company of the two dryads. He formed a general understanding of his mission: three monsters had been identified by the Dryad Queen. The first was a Kikimore Queen lurking in a cave, the second a Royal Wyvern nesting atop a mountain peak, and the third a massive, thick-skinned Minotaur rampaging through the forest.

The Kikimore Queen, dwelling in the cramped and dimly lit tunnels, posed a challenge to the dryads' archery skills. Venturing into the cave without armor left them vulnerable to the elusive Kikimore. Hence, progress in eliminating this threat had stalled.

The Royal Wyvern, with its aerial agility and resistance to arrows, was a difficult target. This ferocious beast was also known for its vengeful nature, often ambushing dryads before swiftly retreating.

It was understandable why the dryads would be wary of such creatures. The third monster, the Minotaur, was particularly formidable. Like a hulking brute, it boasted immense resilience and regenerative abilities, rendering the dryads' arrows ineffective against its thick hide.

However, while these three monsters posed a problem for the dryads, they did not intimidate Wayne. His witcher prowess, combined with the knowledge gleaned from Kaer Morhen's libraries detailing past encounters with such creatures, made the task far less daunting.

After a brief discussion with Marika and Aglais, Wayne decided their first target would be the Royal Wyvern nesting on the mountain peak. Dealing with this airborne predator would be relatively straightforward.

The dryads captured a mature doe, and Wayne retrieved some pungent buckthorn, a known wyvern attractant, from his pouch. They filled the doe's belly with a potent toxin and burned the buckthorn to lure the creature.

The Royal Wyvern, its intelligence dwarfed by that of even a green dragon, eagerly devoured the poisoned bait. Soon, the once-agile beast found its flight capabilities severely hampered.

As the wyvern struggled to escape, it plummeted from the sky. Without much fanfare, Wayne, in pursuit, swiftly decapitated the creature, its remains ready to be harvested for valuable materials.

With the first contract fulfilled, night fell. Lacking a portable shelter, Wayne accepted the dryads' offer to rest in a high tree hollow. He laid his magic flying carpet on the floor and spent the night nestled between the two beauties.

It was a pleasant experience. Despite their primitive lifestyle, the dryads exuded a natural fragrance of wood and blossoms. Their skin was smooth and soft, making for comfortable cuddling. While Wayne hadn't delved deeper into their unique traits, he looked forward to learning more in the future.

The next morning, Wayne prepared a simple yet delicious breakfast of mushrooms, grilled fish, and fried eggs for the dryads. His culinary skills impressed them, and their affection for him grew.

With renewed energy, Wayne set his sights on the second target: the thick-skinned Minotaur. There wasn't much to recount about the battle itself. It followed the traditional witcher approach, with meticulous preparation.

Wayne coated his silver sword with oil specifically formulated for fighting Minotaurs and consumed a concoction of five different potions to enhance his strength, speed, and senses. Thus fortified, he wielded his electric blade and engaged the monstrous beast in combat.

Though the Minotaur's thick hide was impervious to the dryads' arrows, it proved no match for the fully prepared witcher. Wayne's agility, swift swordplay, and sheer strength, combined with the distraction provided by the dryads' arrows, brought the battle to a swift conclusion in under ten minutes. The forest's "Bull Demon King" lay defeated, its body strewn across the forest floor.

Wayne's combat prowess deeply impressed the two dryads who had witnessed the spectacle. As he gathered trophies from the Minotaur's carcass, he stumbled upon a medium-sized red mutagen, a valuable find worth several hundred crowns. It could be used for brewing special decoctions or conducting mutation experiments, proving a valuable asset.

The third contracted monster, the Kikimore Queen, presented a greater challenge. Even seasoned witchers struggled against this formidable foe, and Wayne was no exception. However, he approached the task with characteristic ingenuity. Recognizing the dangers of entering the confined tunnels alone, he opted for a more explosive strategy - one only a well-funded witcher could afford.

Donning a self-destruct jacket laden with dozens of bombs, Wayne charged into the Kikimore Queen's lair, cutting a path through the swarm. The monster's fate was sealed. As the bombs ignited, Wayne activated his Quen sign and teleported to safety hundreds of meters away.

Though the Kikimore Queen was powerful and well-protected by her swarm, the explosive trap proved too much for even their tough exoskeletons. A deafening roar echoed through the forest as the cave's location was transformed into a massive crater. Rocks, soil, and trees were sent flying, and a thick plume of smoke obscured the aftermath.

The two dryads, who had been observing from a safe distance, were startled by the spectacle. Despite Wayne's warning, witnessing such destructive force firsthand shocked the sheltered creatures. They quickly grew concerned for Wayne's safety, knowing the odds of survival in such an explosion were slim.

However, their worries were quickly assuaged as Wayne emerged from the smoke, unharmed. With the contract fulfilled, he briefly conferred with the dryads before heading back to Duén Canell to claim his reward from Queen Eithné.

While the bombs had cost less than three hundred crowns, the Kikimore Queen was a rare monster. Not only did she possess a valuable large green mutagen, but her other body parts were also worth a considerable sum. Wayne hoped to recoup some of the lost trophy value from the Queen's compensation.


Duén Canell

Upon returning to Duén Canell, Wayne once again stood before Queen Eithné. He couldn't shake the feeling that her demeanor towards him had subtly shifted. Though her expression remained stoic, her eyes and tone seemed warmer, more welcoming.

Without dwelling on this change, Wayne bowed respectfully. "Lady Eithné, I have completed your commission. The three monsters have been eliminated. Marika and Aglais can attest to this."

The Dryad Queen simply nodded, not seeking confirmation from her companions. She gestured to the dryads beside her, and they promptly placed a sack filled with gold coins and jewels at Wayne's feet.

"Thank you, Witcher Wayne," Eithné said. "You have relieved our people of three dangerous threats. This gold and jewelry, worth approximately one thousand crowns, is your reward. Additionally, you are now a friend of the dryads. Should you find yourself in danger, you may seek refuge here."

A flicker of complexity crossed the queen's eyes as she glanced at Marika and Aglais, who stood beside Wayne. She quickly continued, "As a testament to our friendship, Marika and Aglais shall accompany you as your personal guards, leaving this forest to ensure your safety."