Princess Pavetta

As the herald's voice boomed through the hall, a burly, dark-skinned man with a hooked nose and regal attire strode into the banquet hall. This was King Eist Tuirseach of Skellige, followed by a retinue of young men, all sons of prominent Skellige jarls. Among them, Wayne spotted Jaskier, looking quite pleased with himself.

The Skellige king, with his characteristic bluntness, led his entourage directly towards Queen Calanthe, who was conversing with the two witchers. The queen, who had been on the verge of reprimanding Geralt for his defiance, shifted her focus to the new arrivals. She pointed at the empty seats beside her and muttered through gritted teeth, "Sit there, Witchers. We'll discuss your employment later."

Wayne, recognizing Geralt's stubborn streak, quickly ushered him towards the designated seats. However, mindful of the importance of this event for Geralt's destiny, he ceded the seat closest to the queen to his friend, positioning himself as an observer ready to intervene if necessary.

King Eist Tuirseach approached Queen Calanthe, his Skellige sons following dutifully behind. He offered a formal salute to the queen, then his gaze drifted towards Geralt and Wayne, seated beside her. Eist, who had long harbored affection for Calanthe, recognized neither of them.

"Calanthe," he inquired with characteristic Skellige bluntness, "who is this white-haired nobleman beside you? I do not recall seeing him before."

Calanthe, wary of involving too many people in the delicate matter of her daughter's betrothal, and unwilling to offend her allies due to a promise made by her deceased husband, offered a strained smile. "This is Ravix of Cidaris," she replied, "a distinguished guest I have invited."

Sensing Eist's displeasure, Calanthe quickly changed the subject, her eyes softening as she looked at him. "It's been a long journey, Eist. Are these the brave heroes of Skellige who intend to seek Princess Pavetta's hand?"

Eist, sizing up Geralt with a competitive glint in his eye, dismissed Wayne as a mere youth and another potential suitor for his beloved Calanthe. With a hint of pride, he answered, "Indeed, Calanthe. These young men behind me are skilled and courageous, each a seasoned sailor and captain. They are prepared to challenge any rival for Princess Pavetta's favor."

Following their king's lead, the young Skellige men respectfully saluted Queen Calanthe, then each boasted of their accomplishments, hoping to impress the queen and win Princess Pavetta's hand. The most striking among them was Crach an Craite, a powerful redhead known as the "Boar of the Sea." He was King Eist's nephew and the heir to Clan an Craite, making him the most eligible suitor among the Skellige contingent.

The young men vying for Pavetta's hand were aware that this betrothal feast was not merely about finding a suitable husband for the princess. It was a political maneuver to secure alliances and consolidate Cintra's position. The Skellige suitors, as representatives of Cintra's strongest ally, seemed the most logical choice.

However, Skellige was not the only option. Following their introduction, other nobles began arriving at the banquet hall. Prince Windhalm of Attre, the three sons of the powerful Lord Strenger, and other noblemen from Cintra's vassal states joined the fray. For them, marrying into Cintra's royal family and ascending the throne would be a meteoric rise in status.

With the arrival of these contenders, the banquet officially commenced. King Eist, his curiosity about Geralt's identity temporarily sidelined, led his Skellige entourage to their seats to partake in the festivities.

Jaskier, as always, thrived in such an environment. As a bard, he relished the attention of the nobility. A well-received performance at such an event could elevate his reputation and popularity significantly.

As the banquet progressed, Jaskier quickly found himself amongst a group of fellow bards, two of whom, named Dullach and Dermot the Dwarf, were also entertaining the guests. Their flute and harmonica duet, more varied than Jaskier's lute playing, proved quite popular with the attendees.

Just as Jaskier prepared to showcase his poetic talents, a baron named Alyn Burt, nicknamed the "Cuckoo Knight" due to his talent for mimicking animal sounds and his witty repartee, took center stage. He soon had the entire banquet hall roaring with laughter.

While the guests were entertained by the bards and the eccentric baron, Queen Calanthe engaged in a conversation with Geralt. Their discussion centered on the witcher's willingness to follow her orders. However, despite Calanthe's beauty and power, she met her match in Geralt. The White Wolf, ever stubborn, maintained that he was not a mere assassin or mercenary and could not be swayed by wealth or authority.

Calanthe, on the other hand, believed that as his employer, her wishes should be paramount. She dismissed the witcher's code as irrelevant, arguing that every principle had a price, and Geralt merely hadn't been offered enough yet.

Wayne found the exchange amusing. However, in the end, Queen Calanthe emerged victorious. Through a combination of threats and pleas, she secured Geralt's agreement to ensure that the alliance between Cintra and Skellige would be forged at the banquet, rather than shattered by unforeseen events. After all, both Calanthe and the people of Cintra relied on the alliance with Skellige to maintain their power and security in the Northern Kingdoms. Faced with a matter of such importance, even the White Wolf acquiesced.

Wayne remained unconcerned by this development. His master-level quest, received from Geralt, wasn't about protecting anyone or slaying monsters, but merely ensuring the banquet proceeded smoothly. It was a vague yet easily achievable objective. As long as Geralt was satisfied with the outcome, the quest would be complete.

As the conversation between Geralt and Calanthe concluded, the banquet's energy reached a peak. A somewhat inebriated nobleman, Baron Alyn Burt, the "Cuckoo Knight," rose from his seat and addressed Queen Calanthe.

"Your Majesty," he declared, "the feast has been underway for some time. Shouldn't we summon the star of this event, the beautiful Pavetta? We have all heard tales of Princess Cintra's loveliness."

His words were met with cheers and calls for the princess from both the Skellige delegation and the princes of the vassal states. While the banquet was enjoyable, their primary goal was to win Pavetta's favor and the Cintra throne. They were all eager to meet the young princess.

Queen Calanthe, after silencing the boisterous Baron Burt with a glare, rose to address the crowd. "Esteemed guests," she announced, "please be patient. My daughter is rather shy and wishes to present herself in the best possible light. She will be with you shortly."

She then turned to the majordomo, ordering, "Fetch Princess Pavetta. Inform her that the guests eagerly await her presence."

Queen Calanthe managed to calm the crowd with a few well-chosen words. Even King Eist, her loyal suitor, quieted the enthusiastic Skellige youths, and the joyful atmosphere of the banquet resumed.

Moments later, the hall fell silent as the majordomo announced the arrival of Princess Pavetta. All eyes turned towards the staircase, anticipation hanging thick in the air. A beautiful young woman descended the stairs, supported by her handmaidens. Her long, light-gray hair was braided and adorned with a golden chain, complementing her silver-blue dress. With fair skin, a slender figure, and a delicate blush on her cheeks, she captivated the entire hall.

As the princess took her seat between Dullach and Eist at the table closest to the Skellige delegation, a clear indication of Queen Calanthe's preference, the queen addressed Geralt with renewed determination.

"I must reiterate, Witcher," she said, her voice firm, "your task is to ensure the alliance between Cintra and Skellige is forged. Overcome any obstacles that may arise. This is for the well-being of our entire kingdom."

Geralt paused, then met the queen's unwavering gaze. "To ensure this alliance?" he questioned. "Is Your Majesty's will not enough to guarantee its success?"

Upon hearing this, Queen Calanthe's expression grew troubled. In a less confident tone, she replied, "Things can change, Geralt. When the moment arrives, even my will may not be enough to ensure everything goes according to plan."

Geralt's eyebrows furrowed in surprise. In the kingdom of Cintra, Queen Calanthe's word was law. Even the Council of Nobles could not rival her authority. "Your Majesty," he questioned, "what could possibly be stronger than your will?"

The question hung in the air for a moment before Calanthe answered, her voice heavy with a mix of resignation and apprehension, "Destiny."

Geralt let out a surprised laugh. He hadn't expected such a word from the queen. Fighting against a force stronger than the royal will seemed an impossible task. Yet, as a Child of Surprise, whose existence was shaped by destiny, Geralt understood the concept better than most. He both respected and feared it.

Seeing Geralt's conflicted expression, Calanthe quickly regained her composure and said with feigned nonchalance, "It is because this task is so challenging that I sought out the renowned White Wolf, Geralt of Rivia. You know my reputation for honoring my word. If you can help me with this, any request you have will be granted."

Geralt contemplated for a moment, then glanced at Wayne beside him. Together, they could surely handle any challenge, no matter how unusual.

With a nod, Geralt agreed to join forces with Calanthe against the looming threat of destiny, ensuring the alliance between Cintra and Skellige.

However, neither of them realized their conversation had attracted the attention of the other nobles. Many were now discreetly observing them, whispering about the peculiar connection between the queen and the witcher. King Eist, his jealousy growing, simmered with barely suppressed rage. His fierce eyes remained fixed on Geralt, who sat beside the object of his affection.

As the banquet continued, the revelry intensified. Nobles chatted and laughed, enjoying the fine wine and food. Bards recited their poems, musicians played lively tunes, and the Skellige youths, fueled by alcohol, sang boisterous songs and recounted tales of their daring raids.

Seeing that Geralt and Calanthe had reached an understanding, Wayne leaned towards the queen and quietly asked, "Your Majesty, since Geralt is at your disposal, may I be allowed to guard Princess Pavetta? I can ensure her safety and keep suspicious individuals at bay."

Calanthe frowned momentarily, but recognizing the wisdom in his suggestion, she quickly agreed. "Very well, Wayne," she replied. "Go and protect my daughter. Allow no one suspicious near her."


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