Unexpected Harvest

As was his custom before any unboxing session, Wayne sought the Lady of the Lake's blessing. However, this time he kept the visit brief, eager to return to his task.

After completing his usual pre-unboxing rituals of burning incense, praying, bathing, and changing clothes, he began the process. Having learned from past experiences to save the best for last, Wayne started with the forty-seven ordinary treasure chests.

Four consecutive draws of ten, followed by a draw of seven, for a total of five openings.

Ding! Obtained: 148 orens.

Ding! Obtained: 146 orens.

Ding! Obtained: 151 orens.

Ding! Obtained: 155 orens.

Ding! Obtained: 108 orens. Intermediate mana recovery potion x5 bottles.

Mana potions! Not bad for a 1% drop rate from forty-seven chests.

Wayne examined the mana potion that had materialized before him. While magic and potions existed in many worlds, each realm's unique laws dictated a distinct magical essence. In Azeroth and Middle-earth, for instance, while magic existed, it differed from the chaotic magic of the Witcher world.

In Middle-earth, Wayne had been unable to draw magic from the air, relying instead on food, witcher potions, and his mutated organs for magical energy. In Azeroth, the arcane magic could be converted into chaotic magic at a rate of 40-50%. Though this reduced his magic recovery speed, it didn't significantly impact his combat effectiveness.

The mana potion in his hand originated from the Diablo universe. To test its efficacy, Wayne first cast a Quen shield to deplete half of his chaotic magic, then drank the blue potion. It melted in his mouth, transforming into a wave of energy that coursed through his body. Within seconds, his magic was restored by a fifth.

The speed and efficiency of the potion's effect surprised him, mirroring the instant recovery seen in video games. Delighted, Wayne stored the remaining four potions in his pouch. With their high recovery rate, they were practically equivalent to a full mana refill, a valuable resource to have in emergencies.

Having opened the ordinary treasure chests, Wayne moved on to the expert chest.

Ding! Obtained: 154 orens.

The expert chest, unfortunately, yielded no special rewards. Wayne, however, remained undeterred. He told himself the previous empty chests were merely laying the groundwork for the master-level treasures.

With anticipation building, he turned his attention to the first master-level chest.

Ding! Obtained: 1,666 orens, Tesla's bracelet.

As the system notification faded, a large sack of coins and a metallic bracelet appeared beside Wayne. The bracelet, crafted from red metal and adorned with intricate magical inscriptions and three shimmering gems of black, red, and blue, exuded an aura of both luxury and arcane power.

Wayne was momentarily stunned, then overjoyed. Tesla's bracelet! Eager to learn more, he immediately checked the system's description:

Tesla's Bracelet: A personal artifact of Tesla, a legendary mage from the Forgotten Realms who specialized in lightning magic. This was his favored piece of equipment before ascending to legendary status.

In addition to the description, the system provided details on the bracelet's attributes. It was an epic item that increased the wearer's magic recovery speed and offered a degree of lightning resistance. It also contained a five cubic meter storage space, and the three flawless gems embedded within held powerful six-ring magic spells: Chain Lightning for wide-area attacks, Lightning Bolt for focused strikes, and an unidentified mirror spell.

Wayne recognized the names of the three spells instantly. They were all incredibly useful, especially as charges engraved on the bracelet. Although they required a three-day recharge after each use, their casting time was virtually instantaneous, making them invaluable trump cards.

Overjoyed, Wayne felt grateful for the Lady of the Lake's blessing. He resolved to reward the goddess for her favor. He had never seen her eat or drink, but perhaps the culinary delights he could prepare would bring her some form of enjoyment.

Lost in thought, Wayne slipped the bracelet onto his right wrist and instinctively focused his mind on it, curious about the storage space within. What he saw astonished him, eliciting a silent "Holy shit!" from the depths of his soul.

The bracelet, supposedly Tesla's personal possession, was already half-filled with a bewildering assortment of items. While Wayne couldn't identify any of them, the fact that a legendary mage had deemed them worthy of storage suggested they were of considerable value.

Wayne was ecstatic, as if he had stumbled upon a hidden treasure trove. But he quickly regained his composure and resisted the urge to delve into the bracelet's contents immediately. Instead, he calmed himself and moved on to the next treasure chest.

Truthfully, he was already content. Even if the remaining two chests yielded nothing, he felt the reward was more than worth it. The five cubic meter storage space had solved the problem of his limited carrying capacity. Now, he could carry his flying carpet, tent, and even the meter-long Vowed Victory sword with ease. This bracelet was a game-changer for a traveling witcher.

Besides, the bracelet didn't need to be hidden under clothing like a magic pouch. As an epic item from the Forgotten Realms, it had its own master recognition system. Unless someone severed Wayne's arm, taking the bracelet from him would be near impossible. This allowed him to freely use the extradimensional storage without arousing suspicion.

Taking a deep breath, Wayne opened the second master-level chest.

Ding! Obtained: 1,552 orens.

No luck this time. Wayne felt a pang of disappointment but quickly dismissed it, moving on to the third and final chest.

Ding! Obtained: 1,457 orens, August's adamantine arm-crossbow armor.

Another hefty bag of coins appeared, along with a set of dark gold equipment: a gauntlet connected to a vambrace, a mysterious activation device, and a wooden box containing a crossbow.

Wayne was intrigued. While the name "adamantine arm-crossbow armor" hinted at its function, he needed more information. He picked up the equipment, examining it closely, then checked the system's description:

August's Adamantine Arm-Crossbow: Forged by the master smiths of the Gray Dwarves for the half-elven Emperor August, this adamantine arm-crossbow armor is not only incredibly durable, but also highly resistant to most metal weapons. The integrated arm-crossbow can be loaded with specialized bolts for close-range combat.

After reading the system's description, Wayne picked up the dark gold arm armor and tried it on. Although slightly snug, it fit well and didn't hinder movement. The armor consisted of a gauntlet and a vambrace, with a cylindrical protrusion under the forearm that housed the crossbow mechanism. A switch on the gauntlet activated the crossbow, launching the bolt.

The adamantine material, heavier than gold, gave the armor substantial weight despite its sleek appearance. The entire set weighed over ten kilograms and was incredibly durable. Wayne tested it with his steel sword, and even with significant force, he could only leave a shallow scratch on its surface.

The accompanying box contained sixty specialized bolts: ten magic-disrupting bolts, twenty explosive bolts, and thirty steel armor-piercing bolts. Wayne tested the arm crossbow's power with an armor-piercing bolt, and the results were astonishing. Within twenty meters, it could pierce even standard plate armor, instantly killing the wearer. Its power exceeded that of modern firearms, but accuracy and power dropped significantly beyond fifty meters.

The downside was that the crossbow could only hold one bolt at a time, and reloading was a cumbersome process, taking thirty to forty seconds. This limited its use to surprise attacks rather than sustained combat. However, the steel bolts could be reused or replicated by a skilled blacksmith, so there was no need to worry about running out of ammunition.

Overall, Wayne was pleased with his new acquisition. The arm crossbow would be a valuable addition to his arsenal, providing a powerful and versatile weapon for his witcher contracts.

With this arm-crossbow, Wayne could both attack and defend, its adamantine shell nearly impenetrable to ordinary weapons. It was a versatile and practical tool, perfectly suited for a witcher's needs.

Having opened all three master-level chests, Wayne exhaled a sigh of satisfaction. It had been a fruitful day. He lay back on his bed, contemplating his gains, then sat up and turned his attention to the spatial bracelet. It was time to discover what treasures the legendary mage Tesla had left behind.

These items weren't system rewards, so no descriptions were provided. Wayne would have to rely on his own knowledge and intuition to decipher their purpose. Based on his gaming experience, he categorized the items into four groups: ores, potions, spell scrolls and equipment, and miscellaneous materials or objects.

While the ores, equipment, and scrolls could be tested to determine their functions, the potions and miscellaneous items remained a mystery. Nonetheless, Wayne was thrilled with the loot he had acquired.

It was now October, and by November, he would be ready to return to Kaer Morhen for the winter, as was the tradition of the Wolf School. The information he had gathered from Aretuza would surely surprise Vesemir, perhaps even delighting the old witcher. It was, after all, the first time in centuries that someone had managed to retrieve witcher knowledge from the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.

With his travel tent and flying carpet, Wayne could also discreetly transport a large quantity of materials back to Kaer Morhen, allowing him to renovate the keep and bolster its defenses, making it a more comfortable and secure home for witchers.

With renewed purpose, Wayne finalized his plans and left his room.

With the year's end approaching, Wayne planned to revisit Azeroth and explore Stormwind City. He was particularly interested in the world's alchemical potions and flying mount taming techniques. Given the opportunity, he hoped to learn how to tame a variety of flying mounts, such as griffins, dragons, or other airborne creatures.

Acquiring such mounts would not only enhance his own power but also benefit his friends and allies, providing them with greater mobility and protection.