Crusader Enchantment

A man and a woman, alone except for an unusually bold girl, shared drinks and conversation that led to a passionate encounter lasting from afternoon until evening. Afterward, Wayne retrieved a unique dwarven pipe, took a few puffs of pipeweed, and with a melancholy tone, gently stroked Julie's hair, saying, "I told you long ago, Julie, we cannot be together. I am a witcher, my lifespan far exceeds yours. When you grow old, I will remain unchanged." "And I am a wanderer with no fixed abode. Soon I must leave Stormwind for distant lands."

Hearing this, Julie rested her head on Wayne's chest, a serene expression on her face. She traced the contours of his muscles with her fingers, a slight smile gracing her lips. "Yes, you told me before, but I have also thought this through."

"When I was trapped in cellar, I believed my life was ending, but you saved me. You are my hero."

"For ordinary women like me, this may be the greatest adventure of a lifetime."

"I do not dream of a lifetime with you. When you return to Stormwind one day, simply remember that a woman once cared for you deeply. Perhaps I will have a family of my own by then, and you can join us for a meal. It would be a cherished memory for me."


That night, Julie chose not to stay at Wayne's home. The young woman didn't want her parents to discover she'd given herself to an adventurer, so she returned home before nightfall.

The next morning, as Wayne was drying herbs in the yard, Mr. Lawrence approached. But the farmer wasn't there to cause trouble; he came with news about a task Wayne had entrusted to him.

"Wayne, I've purchased everything you requested. It's all in the wagon outside the yard—a complete set of alchemy equipment and a cartload of herbs." The sturdy farmer wiped sweat from his brow, a hint of pride in his voice. "I scoured Stormwind City for those herbs. Thankfully, my brother had connections, otherwise, it would have been impossible to gather so many complete herbs so quickly."

Lawrence handed Wayne a bill and a small pouch of gold coins, saying, "Here's the remaining money and the receipts. And, by the way, I've got good news about the auction house you asked about."

"The Brown Auction House in Stormwind holds a monthly auction in just two days. If you're interested, I'd be happy to accompany you."

Wayne was touched by Mr. Lawrence's offer. With his time in Azeroth dwindling, a visit to an auction in a major city like Stormwind might be just the opportunity to acquire something special before his departure.

Wayne nodded to Lawrence. He then counted out ten gold coins from the returned pouch, placing them in the middle-aged man's hand. "Thank you, Mr. Lawrence. This is your reward for your help. Please arrange a carriage when the time comes, and we'll visit the auction house together."

Lawrence accepted the gold without hesitation. This was the agreed-upon payment they had discussed earlier. Although he had some savings after giving up the farm, he needed more capital to open a bakery in Goldshire that could support his family.

With the help of several porters, the cartload of supplies was soon transferred to Wayne's warehouse. Mr. Lawrence then took his leave.

Once alone, Wayne retrieved a magical flask from his belt and carefully transferred the intermediate mana potions and intermediate healing potions he'd crafted that day into its compartments. The flask already held hundreds of these potions, a stockpile he treated as daily consumables. The flask's enchantment kept the potions locked in time, ensuring their potency. These reserves would not only serve as emergency medicine but could also be sold at a high price to those in need—a lucrative business indeed.

This was precisely why he had commissioned Lawrence to purchase the Concentration Blooms, Silverleaf, and other herbs needed for crafting healing and mana potions in Stormwind. Upon returning to his own world and Kaer Morhen, these potions would make excellent gifts for his sorceress and fellow witchers. Their practicality would surely be appreciated by all.

Of course, countless treasures awaited discovery in Azeroth, but Wayne lacked the means to acquire them. Whether he could find anything of value at the auction remained to be seen.

Two days passed quickly. Wayne assisted Sheriff in apprehending several Defias Brotherhood spies, completing an expert-level commission. The rest of his time was spent honing his alchemy skills, crafting dozens of healing and mana potions.

When it was time to depart for Stormwind City, Wayne and Lawrence climbed into the carriage. To Wayne's surprise, Julie, the farmer's daughter, joined them.

Facing Wayne's quizzical look, Julie explained with a cheerful smile, "Today is my cousin Hailey's day off. She's training to be a priest at a church school, and I'm just giving her a lift."

Wayne readily agreed. "Then after the auction this afternoon, let's have dinner in the city before heading back," he said with a smile. "I've never actually met a priest before."

This offhand remark earned him a curious look from Julie. The girl tilted her head in confusion. "Wayne, as an adventurer, haven't you ever been injured on a mission and needed healing from a priest?"

Wayne, realizing he'd inadvertently revealed something, remained unfazed. He simply smiled at her and replied, "To be honest, I've never been injured badly enough to require a priest's healing."

Wayne smoothly deflected the topic, and conversation flowed easily towards other subjects. Two hours passed in a flash. As they approached Stormwind's gates, several city guards approached to inspect their carriage. It was a routine check, and after paying a few silver coins as an entry fee, they were quickly granted access.

From the carriage window, Wayne observed Stormwind City with keen interest. As the capital of the kingdom, it was indeed impressive—both sturdy and elegant, even grander than the newly constructed buildings in Temeria's Vizima. According to Lawrence, Stormwind boasted a population of hundreds of thousands, making it far larger than Vizima in terms of area.

The Brown Auction House they were headed towards was a renowned establishment located in the bustling commercial district. It catered primarily to commoners, merchants, and adventurers, offering practical items like equipment, weapons, and strength-enhancing potions. Occasionally, adventurers would auction off curious artifacts found during their travels, which proved popular among the general populace.

Soon after entering the city, Mr. Lawrence steered the carriage to a central square where Julie bid them farewell. The carriage then continued into the heart of the commercial district, where Wayne was greeted by a vibrant scene of countless shops lining the streets, bustling with activity.

Lawrence explained that most of the shops here were run by humans, but Stormwind also had a dwarven district with its own unique shops and wares. If Wayne was interested, he could visit it later.

Soon, their carriage arrived at a spacious area designated for parking, and Lawrence led Wayne into the Brown Auction House. The building's decor was simple yet inviting, and it occupied a substantial space. A charming female clerk greeted them upon entry, leading them to a desk for a brief registration process, after which Wayne received a wooden number plate etched with the number 101.

Holding the plate, they followed another clerk into the main auction hall. The lighting was subdued, and rows of seats were neatly arranged, accommodating three to four hundred people. At the front of the hall, a stage brightly illuminated by numerous magical lamps showcased the auctioneer—a short, plump man with a comical appearance who was entertaining the early arrivals with jokes.

After locating their assigned seats based on their number, Wayne and Lawrence settled in. Half an hour later, the auction officially commenced. Over two hundred items were slated for auction, including items from previous unsuccessful auctions and new additions. They would be auctioned in descending order of their reserve prices.

As the auction began, the short, chubby auctioneer named Jamie's demeanor turned serious. His eloquence was evident, as Wayne had already observed during the pre-auction banter. Standing on his podium, Jamie struck a wooden gavel against a soundboard and declared in a rich voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Brown Auction House auction has now officially begun."

"Our first item up for bid is a set of ten fine steel long swords, each crafted by a master dwarven blacksmith. These one-handed, double-edged swords measure one meter in length and are forged from high-quality steel. The base price is fifty silver coins per sword, with bids increasing in increments of five silver coins. Let the bidding commence!"

Following auctioneer Jamie's introduction, gleaming steel swords were presented on the brightly lit display stand. Their craftsmanship and quality materials, backed by the reputation of a master dwarven blacksmith, attracted attention. While not exceptional weapons, they were well-suited for ordinary warriors and offered at a reasonable price. Soon, several adventurers of modest means and strength entered a bidding war, driving the price up to eighty silver coins each, at which point a burly human warrior secured the entire lot.

Without missing a beat, auctioneer Jamie moved on to the second item. "The next item up for bid is a set of five half-plate armors, each forged by a master dwarven blacksmith. Made of pure steel, these armors offer excellent protection, a classic design, and moderate weight, making them ideal for aspiring warriors. The starting bid is three gold coins per armor, with each increase no less than ten silver coins."

The staff promptly brought out the half-plate armors, which, due to their material and craftsmanship, commanded a price several times higher than the steel swords. Nevertheless, they were swiftly purchased by warrior adventurers.

The third, fourth, and fifth auction items followed in succession, with prices ranging from low to high. The variety included weapons, equipment, potions, and scrolls. After a brief period of restraint, Wayne, with his ample financial resources, entered a buying spree. As long as the price of an item caught his interest wasn't exorbitant, he wouldn't hesitate to purchase it. With access to a credit line of over 150,000 gold coins from Vivian's bank, money was never a concern for Wayne. Any debt incurred would be easily settled once he acquired the treasure from the Lonely Mountain in Middle-earth. These expenses were mere trifles in comparison.

The auction progressed swiftly. By the time the 150th item was presented, Wayne had already acquired over twenty items, spending more than 200 gold coins. The adventurers and merchants in attendance cast curious glances at the free-spending young man, but Wayne paid them little mind. As Mr. Lawrence had stated, the majority of participants were commoners, merchants, and adventurers. Even a slight display of wealth wouldn't raise any alarms.

"Next, we present the 150th auction item, the Crusader Enchantment Scroll. This scroll is the work of a master enchanter." Jamie's voice resonated through the hall. "This enchanted scroll bestows a special effect upon a weapon, granting the wielder a chance to receive a significant boost in strength while being healed by the holy light, restoring both health and vitality. It is a truly powerful weapon enchantment."

"The base price is fifty gold coins, with each bid increment no less than two gold coins. Let the bidding begin!"

As Jamie finished speaking, several melee adventurers in attendance immediately expressed interest in the scroll, and a spirited bidding war ensued. Wayne recognized the Crusader Enchantment as a top-tier enchantment from his gaming days. To find it here in the auction house was unexpected, and his eyes lit up with determination. He resolved to win the scroll, no matter the cost.