Chapter 1: Beyond My Control


I struggled against the silver cuffs at my wrists. I couldn’t help it, even though it deepened the cuts already present. Of course the cuffs were silver, to keep me immoble. I also now wore the iron collar, signifying my slave status to all. I could feel their eyes upon me as I stood on that auction block. They were taking in my skimpy outfit, chosen by my keepers. It consisted of a black sequined bra, matching lace panties and black thigh high boots with a four -inch stiletto heel. That’s it. It was designed to show potential buyers what they would be getting.

"And the next time for auction, a wereshifter slave from the Easton Pack, daughter of the former Alpha Erik, Dominique Preston," the announcer barked to the raucous crowd, "She is quite a prize, gentlemen! The bidding will begin at one million dollars!"

Last month I was known far and wide as the daughter of the proud Alpha Erik Preston. I was a princess in that life. I was courted by the greatest pack houses, as marriage with me would have ensured a strong alliance with a great army. That was in the before. Before my entire existence crumbled to ashes. When my parents were killed in the pack wars I was taken as a slave. Now I was living in the aftermath. I was being sold to the highest bidder. And my intended purpose, given my current wardrobe, was painfully obvious.

Everyone I knew, everyone I loved, was probably dead. Some I had actually watched die. Brutally slain at the hands of our enemies, I had watched the light drain from their eyes. Others from starvation, a slow, excruciatingly painful manner of demise. As to the others, I had no way of knowing about their fates. I needed to escape. I needed a plan.

"Look at that figure," the auctioneer continued, leering at me theatrically, "She’ll make a glorious- Well, whatever you wish her to be! That hair, pale as fresh snow! Those legs! That a*s! Turn, slave! Show us what you have to offer!"

The guard next to me jerked the chain attached to my collar. It was constructed like a leash, to lead me wherever he chose. I struggled to maintain my balance in those heels, which was, of course, the idea. Just in case I didn’t get the message, he raised his whip with the other hand. This guy was more than ready to use it if I didn’t comply.

He needn’t have bothered with the threat of the whip, I had already discovered the hard way that I had to do what was asked. I had the purple bouquet of bruises to prove it. Over the past month I had fought my captors hard, all to no avail. They were bigger, stronger and faster than I was. I wondered, idly, if the potential buyers would care about the raised welts on my back, as I turned to show them what they wanted to see. I could feel their eyes assessing, raking over my body, determining what price I was worth.

"Two million dollars, and she will be MINE," I turned my head, and saw that the owner of this voice was in the front row, leering at me. The first thing I noticed was that he was covered in sweat. It was pouring out of him, soaking his shirt. He gave me a lecherous smile, displaying several missing teeth. Then he gave me a little finger wave, and I couldn’t help but observe that his fingers were filthy, the nails ragged and yellow. My heart plummeted to the ground. Was I actually going to have to go with THIS guy?

"Five million dollars! And I'll take her now," a low, male voice demanded from the back of the room, "This ends the bidding!"

The crowd went silent, the furious cacophony of raised voices vanished to nothing in a matter of seconds. I tried to turn my head to see who had caused the disturbance. Or lack thereof. I caught a vague impression of a tall man, apart from the crowd. All that was visible was a shock of black hair and dark eyes. I could feel the intensity of his gaze from the pillar on which they had placed me. I tried to see more, but my buddy with the whip raised his weapon again, and I turned back. I would find out soon enough who was to be my new keeper. For now.

"A man of taste," the auctioneer commented with a lascivious grin, "Sold to the man in black for five million dollars! Take her away then! Now, for our next offering, a spicy…"

I didn’t hear what was said next as I was half walked, half dragged off the podium by my makeshift leash. I didn’t resist anymore. What was the point? I was going to be taken to this person whatever I did. I would decide how to escape when the next opportunity presented itself.



When I first saw her I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so beautiful, so fragile, trying to be tough and fearless on that auction block. Struggling against those silver cuffs, even though she had to know it was futile. Silver is poison to our kind. The pain must have been unbearable. Terrible bruises marred her slender body, visible even from a distance.

I had to protect her. Needed to protect her. The impulse was beyond my control.

Also, if I was brutally honest with myself, I had this brief mental image of her. Unbidden, the thought of her on her knees before me. Just a flash of her. My c*ck deep inside her throat, a low moan issuing from those red, red lips. Her alabaster skin. My hands in her hair...I felt myself grow hard just thinking about it.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. I didn’t know where that thought had come from!

She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I stopped breathing. I think my heart stopped beating.

I know I stopped, dead. My coterie nearly ran into me. The announcer was saying something, but I didn’t hear it. I did, however, see the guard jerk the leash, and raise his whip to her.

I couldn’t bear it. Seeing the most perfect thing, the only perfect thing I had ever seen, trying so hard not to cower from a blow. I had to stop it. I found myself shouting something about how I’d pay five million dollars to keep her.

"Have you lost your mind?" James, my Beta, asked me quietly, in deference to my status as his Alpha, "You don’t buy slaves. You don’t approve."

"Enough," I muttered, although I was asking myself the same question. The truth was, I wasn’t thinking. Not at all. I was just reacting. I couldn’t help myself. That tendency had gotten me in trouble in the past. And now I’d just paid five million dollars for a slave that I wasn’t about to enslave. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Well, we better go get her. You just paid five million dollars for her," James replied, and shook his head in consternation, "Do you know how many houses you could buy for that? How many weapons for our pack? I’m sure you have your reasons. And you are Alpha. But, I have to ask, why?"

James had a great point. We were facing some fairly serious threats from other packs. Whispers of war. Our enemies were growing stronger, banding together. If we weren’t careful, our pack could be wiped out entirely. Weapons, soldiers, safe houses- these were things we were going to need. And I had just spent a fortune on something, someone else. What was I thinking?

"I don’t know why," I told him, because it was the truth, "But now it’s done. So we better go collect her before.." Before what, I didn’t know. I just knew that I had to keep her safe.

"I really hope you know what you’ve just gotten yourself into," James told me worriedly, "And that this is a better idea than it looks like it is."

"As do I," I replied with a sigh, "As do I."