Chapter 8: A Dangerous Game

Dominique's POV

After I'd washed the blood and dirt from the morning's events off of me, I decided to go for a walk. Griffin had announced that the threat was over, for now, and I was tired of hanging out in my room. To my surprise, my door had remained unbolted since this morning. I wondered why I was no longer locked in, but I decided not to question it. I had just fought off a rogue wolf, maybe that meant I had earned a little trust from "the Master".

I smiled, feeling somehow invigorated by my success in killing that beast, and made my way down the stairs. As I was about to enter the foyer, I heard two male voices talking.

"There was a blind spot where the security cameras couldn't reach," one voice nervously explained, "That's why we didn't know they were coming. There was no way to spot them until they'd already breached the perimeter."