Chapter 14: Risk and Reward

Dominique's POV

Griffin's kindness toward those children warmed my heart. From the moment he'd found them in his kitchen he had done everything possible to ensure that they would find happiness in the pack. It had taken a while to gain their trust, which was completely understandable. They had been through a terrifying ordeal, not to mention their grief over losing the parents, along with everything else they knew and loved.

The children and I had a lot in common, I realized. They had lost their home as I had, and Griffin had taken care of all of us. Even if he didn't see me as a potential mate, Griffin was a good Alpha, and a good man. I resolved to appreciate what I had, and try to ignore the feelings that still stirred within me every time I looked at him.

"Ok, who wants to find pumpkins today?" I asked the children over breakfast, "It's almost time for All Hallow's Eve, and you guys need to find the perfect pumpkins to decorate!"