Chapter 30: Person Mask

Dominique's POV

The idea of Griffin spending even a second alone with that woman horrified me. There was clearly something terrible underneath that person mask she was wearing, and I feared Griffin didn't see it as clearly as I did.

"Griffin, please," I began, but he held up his hand, and silenced me.

My first reaction was fury, but then I remembered my promise to do as he asked, as my Alpha. So I remained silent, but wondered how I could convince him to leave and find another way. I wasn't about to leave Mia with that creature either, but the man I loved hanging out with her for an entire evening was too high a price to pay, in my opinion.

"Aw how cute," Lucinda said with a sarcastic chuckle, "The little slave girl is worried about her master, aren't you dear?" She slithered closer to me, and I could smell something off about her.