Chapter 38: Waving the White Flag

Griffin's POV

When I arrived at Jack's house, I could sense immediately that something was wrong. Very wrong. Jack had always kept his lawn well-mowed and watered. He loved yard work, and was always boasting about how he had the best maintained yard in the territory. And I had always agreed with him. Until that moment,

The lawn was ragged with weeds in some spots, and completely barren in others. Sarinda's formerly prized rose bushes had grown out of control, seeming to strangle the poor house with creeping branches. Some had grown so far and so high that they had begun to cover the windows. The house itself was a corpse. When Sarinda had been alive, she and Jack had hosted innumerable parties and get-togethers. They had been the envy of all their neighbors for their perfectly maintained home. But now with all the shutters drawn and the vegetation overtaking the grounds, the place looked haunted.