Chapter 50: A Bit of Twine

Dominique's POV

I was initially pretty shocked by Alex's whereabouts that night, and I wasn't quite sure how James had discovered it. I was even more surprised to find that I didn't care. I felt nothing, except for perhaps disgust at Alex's true nature. Not to mention my profound relief that I had discovered this prior to our wedding. I had never loved Alex, I realized. My heart had always belonged to Griffin, would always belong to Griffin. I had no choice about that. I just prayed to the Goddess that I wasn't too late.

"I can't thank you enough," I told James breathlessly as I urged my horse forward, "If you hadn't come by, I actually would have married that creep! I can't believe that I didn't see what a jerk he was, all of this time!"

I was angry at myself for not recognizing Alex's real feelings, or lack thereof, sooner. And I still didn't understand why he had proposed to me in the first place.