Chapter 17


The roads are slightly shitty as I make my way up to the cabin on Candy Cane Lane I'm renting while saving up for the house I want to build. The cabin is just this side of being on grid. I'm pretty lucky it actually has running water and an indoor toilet. There are quite a few on this road that don't.

Parking under the carport, I grab the windshield cover I've been using to help make my mornings go faster. It's starting to sleet and tomorrow is going to be an interesting drive to work. Once I get the cover on, I head inside, stomping my feet to get the snow off. The fire has gone out and it's fucking cold in here.

Heading to the wood stove, I stoke the fire and add a few logs.

This is the time of day when I wish there was someone here to spend time with. The only thing to keep me company right now is a little kitten I found the other night. When I left today, I shut him up in the bathroom so I'd be able to find him when I came home. At least I assume it's a boy.