Chapter 24


"There's a freaking parking lot full of people out there," I yell at Beckett as I take a look out the front window of the bakery. "They were following the plow truck," I laugh.

"Two things. At least they weren't here yesterday morning, and obviously they know good food when they taste it," he hooks an arm around my waist, pulling my back to his front.

"That's the nicest compliment you could have given me."

"Oh there's plenty more where that came from," he grins, dropping a kiss on the top of my head. "But I do have a question before we open this door and let everyone in."

"What's your question?" I roll my lips together, wondering if I know what he's going to ask what I want to know the answer to, as well.

"When we open that door, are we going to pretend like we didn't just spend the night together? Are you going to be ashamed of seeing me in the daylight in front of everyone else?"