Chapter 30


Who in the hell is knocking on my door at this time in the morning?

Typically I would be asleep, but I had to get up to pee. I always thought that happened later in pregnancy, but it's been happening to me since two weeks after I found out I was pregnant. I'm slightly scared to check the door, but if someone's here at this time of night, or morning, as the case may be, it must be important. 

Peeking out through my peephole, I see Cal standing there, huddled against the door. Fear crashes through my body. I jerk open the door, pulling my long-sleeve shirt as close to my body as I can. "Oh my God, is something wrong?"

"No." He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels. 

"Then why are you here at three a.m.?" I demand, standing back so that he can come in. When he hesitates, I wave him through. "C'mon, before people see you standing out there at this time. We'll have everyone in this town talking about us before we want them to."