Chapter 40


Saturdays in downtown Blizzard Bluff during the winter are usually pretty busy. Add onto that the fact that Christmas is a week away, and it's damn near impossible to move, the small shops are so packed. But I'm on the lookout for something important. Some small token to show Elle how much she means to me. We haven't discussed our feelings for each other—hell, we've barely discussed what we're going to do when this baby comes—but they're there. Even on just the periphery. 

"Morning, Cal." The shop owner, Faith, greets me as I walk around, looking for something that's going to jump out at me. 

"Morning," I answer. 

"You look confused. Is there anything I can help you with? Shopping for family?"

"Not really," I admit, scratching the back of my neck. "More like someone a little more special than that."

I don't have to tell her anything else. She gets it. She probably even knows who it is. 

"She was in here the other day and was looking real hard at a piece I have."