physical training (1)

When karan woke up the next morning it was still early morning, all the tiredness from yesterday was gone. Karan was up for the day feeling energetic and his body was feeling surprisingly lighter and easier to move.

After feeling he body for a while he went downstairs but didn't find his master anywhere, so he went outside the house but his master was nowhere visible even outside. When he was searching for his master his eyes fell on the wooden shed like room he had woken up last morning in. He thought his master might be there but choose to find him after finishing washing up. With this thought in mind he began his today's journey towards the foot of mountain.

Meanwhile in the wooden shed old man Vishwas was sitting in lotus position in a meditative state and there was a little amount of fog that can be seen in the room despite the weather being clear outside. It was due to the matter energy rich environment which was created specifically for training in maater energy by using array formation to gather matter energy. Old man Vishwas was trying to restore the energy which he used up in helping karan last night.

While on his journey back to the top of mountain Karan felt like his stamina has increased as he was not really feeling tired like the previous day. Although not a significant improvement but now he could go down the mountain slope and climb back to the top, which was approximately twenty kilometres.

When he reached the mountain top, he found his master calmly sitting on a wooden chair in the open with his eyes closed.

Sensing karan's arrival old man Vishwas opened his eyes and said " kid you are looking more energetic than yesterday. So I guess you are ready for your physical training."

Karan hearing this replied with enthusiasm " yes master. My body feels better than yesterday. What type of physical training are we going to do?"

Karan said the last part with his eyes wandering around looking for something like weights or ropes for physical training.

Old man Vishwas seeing karan looking around understood what he was expecting and replied calmly " you don't always need weights for physical training. You are going to train in mainly three aspects your upper body, lower body and your core. You will be doing push ups, squats and sit ups respectively for your particular body parts. It's a excercise routine targeting every major muscle group of your body."

After explaining the excercise routine to his student old man Vishwas said in a commanding way " it's only second day of your training so don't push your body too hard and just train till your body hit the limit."

Karan was listening to his master's words carefully and after listening his commanding tone, he started training the exercises which his master told push ups, squats and sit ups.

Old man Vishwas seeing karan start his training stood up and left with a smile on his face leaving words of great importance " don't forget to prepare the breakfast after training."