Chapter 2: Change

      The warm sunshine landed on her earth-born skin as she walked out of the cold confines of the warehouse, and her toes curled as she indulged in the feeling of the bright green grass under her, that was barely kept in the large, walled, field.

It had been the first time in a while since they'd felt the freedom the sunlight gave them. The security in their place was lacking, and all the wardens ever did was roam around or sleep if there was nothing to do, but because there were more guards at day than night, the moonlight was what they could mostly bask in, sneaking out successfully and letting their body relax even for just an hour or two.

It was the least Shard could do to keep the others from losing hope and have the other children grow strong, after all, there is only so much her small body could do. Children of all ages giggled as they ran around and let their adrenaline run while adults would sit in some soft shade to watch and talk, basking in the privilege of the sun and its warmth.

One day, when she is strong enough they'll run out of this hellhole.

Shard stood behind the large doors of the warehouse, with a straight back and feet close together, letting her rough and dirty dress slightly move as a gust of wind passed by. The echoing scream behind her that was ignored by the others had died down to a certain extent, a small wail still lingering with a few curses being slightly audible.

Her head tilted to the side as her ears picked up the unrythmic steps that slowly neared behind her. With the transition of steps from stone to soil, Shard turned her head to find the grown men in her peripheral vision. Barak gave her a short glance before moving ahead of the others, leaving those who cared about the newly hired warden stall behind, and she ignored the glare directed at her.

Shard turned around with a sigh, only to find three men cleaning up the pool of blood near the entrance as ordered by Barak. It had been a long time since she saw the man, things changed somewhere around seven years ago after the incident; Covered in the blood of the man she had slain, Barak was the only one brave enough to come and talk to her, and he left as quickly as he came. Still, he left a lasting impression on her — not all that good, but better than the rest.

Coming back after all these years and carrying an aura of authority, an acknowledging glance was her only response to his return. Expectant.

A gentle hand placed itself on her shoulder and she turned her head to face a boy a bit taller than her. 

     "Oak…" she called his name as she met his golden eyes through his dirty-brown hair that partly covered his face.

Being two years older than her, Oak was a bit taller, his chin could rest on her fluffy hair if he wanted to. His straight hair reached his shoulders - the back being longer and thinner, looking like a tail - and freckles scattered throughout his brown skin.

     "Your eyes are back to brown." He pointed out as he caressed under her bags with a folded finger before turning to face the inside of the warehouse where the men cleaned. His eyes twitched briefly, a surprised expression gracing his face — matching Shard's previous reaction, but quickly changing into indifference. "That's new… but I do wish they fed us first." He quickly commented, accompanied by a growl from his stomach which earned a small smile from Shard, and they laughed in unison.

Topics of starving and their struggles had become humorous to some extent, they might as well laugh at their situation than cry and be miserable. Plus, with the new authority of Barak who they somewhat trust, things might turn for the better.

    "Come!" He said as he moved to hold Shard's hands and gently pull her toward the others, "Food might take a while, it might never come, really - so we might as well enjoy—"

As if on cue, multiple men came from the main building's door, handling tables and others followed with sacks of bread and a large pot with bowls. All the slaves looked on with curiousity and shock for it was an unusual event; the tables were set on the grass and the bowls were settled on top beside the steaming pot, while the bread was spread in the middle. Free for taking.

The food would usually not be as bountiful as this. Normally, they could barely scrap any from the food they would throw through bars. There weren't as many children as adults but most opted to feed them and those who seemed like they were about to faint.

A man stood in front of the pot and removed its lid before filling each bowl with soup, handing it to the nearest, curious child. She looked at Shard first and the man followed her gaze, they then waited for her approval before the child hastily accepted the bowl. Soon everyone else lined up, some grabbed soup first before the bread, and some did the opposite.

The simple stew of carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms graced their tongue and filled their bellies, there was enough for everyone! And they all ate with gusto, quickly rushing to take more food once they finished the ones on their plates. Shard was wary, but with how happy everyone seemed, she had no choice but to calm down and push aside her suspicions. She has to put her trust in the new authority.

Shard was put out of her predicament as Oak held a bowl of steaming Stew in front of her, with the bread on top and soaking up the soup, turning the bread soggy. She took the bowl off of Oak's hands and picked up the bread to eat before sitting down in the same place she stood, an act which Oak followed.

A peaceful day amongst repetitive and life-threatening ones. Shard's heart can't keep calm, and her chest is cold despite the warm broth entering her body, this is change and she is not used to it. She is unsure whether what she is feeling is joy or anxiety and she moved her legs closer to her chest to rest her head on her knees before continuing drinking from the bowl. 

As if understanding her predicament, Oak leans on her small frame and rests his head above. The weight, although not much heavier than hers, gave her a sort of comfort; grounding her thoughts and warming her previously cold hands and feet.

    "Is my Shard back?" He asks while rubbing his head against hers; a comforting gesture he picked up from Night

Shard let out a small but happy sigh, followed by a hiccup of a giggle, leading to another fit of gentle laughs between them.

      Emerald eyes glanced over from the tinted window that looked over the scene and narrowed down at the familiar-looking girl who was being hovered over by an older boy. Her face seemed similar to his despite all the dirt and grime that covered her.

He was not supposed to be there yet he was (forced) 'urged' to go further. He had quickly slipped out from the office he was to wait in, after all, what was the fun in waiting? Probing around the area is much more entertaining than sitting.

He had slipped off the gaudy garment and left it sitting at the supposed office he needed to stay in. He would say his disguise seemed flawless, he wasn't one to like such clothing anyway.

The halls seemed barren with people only passing now and then, but he knew better. Mana stones embedded with security mechanisms were hidden in plain sight so those with untrained eyes could easily be entrapped. This may be an illegal market, but profit is still valued - this is still a business.

The man let out a sinister smile along with a hum and pushed himself off of the glass, leisurely striding his way back into the office with an obnoxiously large door as he felt a presence find its way up the floor.

 "Happy~ Birthday~ to you~." He hummed as the doors closed behind him, once again sliding into expensive garments.