
Her eyelids fluttered open, she glanced from each corner of the room to the other in a hurry as if she had been engaged in a highway chase. She brushed her sleeve against the edge of her lips and her other hand drove its fingers into her messy mains. 

A yawn briefly escaped her red luscious lips. She slowly pulled her weak body up and slammed it on the bed frame while she waited for her sleepy brain to awaken and reboot. 

Her head hung low as she drifted into a short lived slumber that was interrupted by the sudden cries of an infant.

Cattleya Sánchez quickly snapped out of her slumber, her eyes shun red in fright of the unknown as she quickly rose to her feet.

She google eyes the room decoration in confusion.

"Where am I?." She questioned herself.


"I wonder what it would feel like to be married." I whispered to myself while staring down at the little child in my embrace.