Last wish

The hot radiating sun fell on the city of Mexico as the car drove down the busy main road of the city. Cattleya Sánchez, tilted her head to the side as she rested her head on the window of Genevieve Rodríguez's car.

The sound of the local radio station was the only noise that echoed in the car except from Genevieve's index finger that kept tapping on the steering wheel as she drove.

The traffic light turned red causing Genevieve to hut. 


Tears lingered in my eyes as I focused on the passing shops and enterprises as the car went by. I wouldn't lie this was the most slow and time consuming drive I had ever been unfortunate to be a part of.

The loud sound of the local radio station news kept tormenting me but who was i to reach out and turn off the radio when this wasn't my car.